Localization of impurities into layered structures initiated by ion implantation with subsequent annealing
Tishkovsky, E.G.; Obodnikov, V.I.; Feklistov, K.V.
Abstracts of 2.Eurasian Conference on Nuclear Science and its Application2002
Abstracts of 2.Eurasian Conference on Nuclear Science and its Application2002
[en] By secondary ion mass-spectrometry (SIMS) measurements of heavily doped (∼1x1020 cm-3) with boron silicon we have found, that the evolution of boron profiles from monotonous ones to the oscillated structures took place during annealing in the range 900-1075 deg. C, if silicon had been implanted with boron ions with the energy in the range 180-400 keV. The structures with five peaks seem quasi-periodic ones, and the mean period of these modulated distributions equal to 95 nm with the spread from 88 nm to 109 nm. The processes of the formation of these structures are localized at the flat parts of background boron profile, namely, in the region, which had been disturbed by ion implantation. The total amount of boron involved in these processes is conserved within experimental accuracy 10 % during annealing. At the same time the more deep parts of boron background distribution remained static, the front region of the background diffusive profile, especially. The temperature near 900 deg. C is high enough to exhaust both as vacancies, as interstitial atoms from all existing defect-impurity associations produced by room temperature implantation. Therefore, the phenomenon of spatial structures formation in boron distributions is discussed in terms of well-adopted suggestions about the interactions of point defects and impurity atoms. Scheme of quasi chemical reactions is proposed for most probable participants: free vacancies V and self interstitial atoms I, boron atoms at substitution positions BS and mobile boron atoms at non-regular sites Bm. Three widely recognized micro processes have been included into it: the 'kick-out' reaction BS+I→Bm, the reaction of the recovery of solubility limit Bm+I→BS, and the chain of the reactions of impurity clustering Bm+Bn-1→Bn. On this base it became possible to match experimental findings very close to the theory of coalescence stage in supersaturated solid solution and to suggest the mechanism of self localization of boron atoms in the region, the boundaries of which was produced due to defect impurity interaction, as follows. At the very beginning of annealing the spread of vacancies from damaged region is limited by the reaction of mounting of impurity atoms into substitution positions, because the initial concentrations of Bm is high and Bs is low. Therefore, the vacancies are preferably locked in a damaged region. At the same time, the spread of self-interstitial atoms is limited by 'kick-out' reaction, but the rate of the letter is small in damage region due to the concentration Bs is near zero. Going out from damaged region, self interstitial atoms meet high concentration of substitution boron at the non-disturbed by implantation flat parts of background profile and produce the excess of boron atoms Bm at both sides of damaged region. By this way the initial and boundary conditions for further boron redistribution are quickly established as far as the relaxation of non - equilibrium concentration of elementary defects goes to completeness. First of all, three superior positions for spontaneous precipitation of boron are introduced. One of them is situated at the maximum of implanted ion distribution and two positions are situated near the approximate borders of damaged region. Than, micro gradients of Bm developed around these positions sustain the growth of boron clusters at these places and diffusive flow to them. The estimations of boron diffusivity through non-regular positions in a lattice were made, and these values surprisingly well coincide with boron diffusivity through a regular lattice sites under intrinsic conditions. The differences between resulted profiles after implantation and annealing of low and high-doped silicon are discussed
Primary Subject
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana (Kazakhstan); Atomic Energy Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty (Kazakhstan); Inst. of Nuclear Physics, Almaty (Kazakhstan); Nuclear Society of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty (Kazakhstan); Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty (Kazakhstan); 482 p; ISBN 9185-2-X; ; 2002; p. 244-246; 2. Eurasian Conference on Nuclear Science and its Application; 2.Eurasian Conference on Nuclear Science and its Application; Almaty (Kazakhstan); 16-19 Oct 2002
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