Investigation of thermal conductivity and oxidation behaviour of reaction bonded aluminum nitride (RBAN) ceramics
Salahi, E; Moztarzadeh, F.; Margoosian, V.; Heinrich, J. G.
Materials and Energy Research Center, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Materials and Energy Research Center, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Iranian University of Science and Technology, Department of Metallurgy and Material Engineering, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Technical University Clausthal, Clausthal (Germany)2003
Materials and Energy Research Center, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Materials and Energy Research Center, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Iranian University of Science and Technology, Department of Metallurgy and Material Engineering, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Technical University Clausthal, Clausthal (Germany)2003
[en] AlN samples have been produced by reaction bonding process using AlN and aluminum powders as starting materials. Different aluminum nitride and aluminum powders ratios were mixed in ethanol media, dried, isostatically and nitrided in (N2)atmosphere. Results showed that conversion of to AlN depends strongly on the amount of aluminum starting powder and decreased with increasing after a maximum at 25 Al wt %. Changing the particle size and morphology of the aluminum starting powder leads to change in the conversion ratio and microstructure of RBAN ceramics. Typical scanning electron micrographs of RBAN sample indicating primary and secondary aluminum nitride morphology and pore structure. The oxidation behavior of RABN samples showed the weight gain depends on the average particle size, morphology and amount of Al in starting mixture and pore structure. Samples have been manufactured with equi-axed morphology of Al starting powder have thermal conductivity higher than the samples have been manufactured with flake-like morphology. These differences were directly related to the different microstructure of RBAN samples
Primary Subject
Available from Atomic Energy Organization of Iran
Record Type
Journal Article
International Journal of Engineering Science (Tehran); ISSN 1681-066X;
; v. 14(2); p. 1-19
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