Tritium-related fusion technology programmes under EFDA-JET
Coad, J. P.; Ciattaglia, S.; Piazza, G.; Rosanvallon, S.; Grisolia, Ch.; Laesser, R.
Hot Laboratories and Remote Handling2003
Hot Laboratories and Remote Handling2003
[en] The Fusion Technology Task Force (TFFT) has a wide-ranging series of programmes in the areas of waste management and safety, tritium recovery, tritium analysis and accounting, and testing components under development for ITER at JET. Examples have been presented here in the fields of waste management and safety. In waste management, the largest effort is currently on water de-tritiation, which is considered to be the most urgent and important topic affecting JET operations, and plant design is also required for ITER. It is also the most technically challenging of the waste detritiation issues. A complete design for a water de-tritiation plant for JET (a prototype for ITER), including optimised and tested catalysts, is expected within the next 2 years. TFFT safety programmes support the on-going work on safety in preparation for ITER, including tritium spreading and dust inhalation effects for worse-case accident scenarios. Effort is also going into documenting the operational experience of the JET machine with respect to reliability of mechanical components within the tritium boundary and radiation exposure, and inferring what lessons should be learnt for ITER
Primary Subject
Bart, G. (ed.) (Paul Scherrer Institut, PSI, CH-5232 Villigen (Switzerland)); Blanc, J.Y. (ed.) (CEA, Saclay (France)); Duwe, R. (ed.) (Forschungzentrum - Juelich, Juelich (Germany)) (and others); CEA/Siege 31-33, rue de la Federation, 75752 Paris cedex 15 (France); Nuclear Energy Division and National Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology, INSTN, CEA/Saclay, 91 191 - Gif-sur-Yvette cedex (France). Funding organisation: Nuclear Energy Division of CEA, CEA/Siege 31-33, rue de la Federation, 75752 Paris cedex 15 (France); 260 p; 2003; p. 250-260; 41. plenary meeting of European Working Group 'Hot Laboratories and Remote Handling'; Saclay (France); 22-24 Sep 2003; Available from: Bibliotheque, DEN-SAC/Dpi/Sti/SiD, Bat. 526, CEA-Saclay,91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex (France); 7 refs., 6 figs., 1 tab.
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