Decontamination of radioactive steel by the method of electroslag remelting
[en] ESR (electroslag remelting) facility is meant for researches conducting on decontamination of radioactive stainless steel by electroslag remelting The aim of the research is optimization of fluxes content and steel remelting conditions at which metal decontamination of radioactive contamination will take place, and the ingots received at that will be useful for the further usage without additional remelting. Research outcomes can be used for a long time in the Republic of Kazakhstan which possesses considerable part of global uranium resources and production capacities on uranium production and refinement and, consequently, has considerable quantity of radioactively contaminated materials. (author)
Original Title
Ochistka stali ot radioaktivnogo zagryazneniya metodom ehlektroshlakovogo pereplava
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
8 refs., 11 figs., 3 tabs. Issue 1. Atomnaya Ehnergetika i Bezopasnost' AEhS. March 2002
Record Type
Journal Article
Vestnik Natsional'nogo Yadernogo Tsentra Respubliki Kazakhstan; ISSN 1729-7516; ; v. 1(4); p. 34-40
Country of publication
Descriptors (DEI)
Descriptors (DEC)
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue