[en] The methodology for determining the energy parameters, based on the description of the thermodesorption at one heating rate, is proposed. The energy characteristics of the centers, related to the helium accumulation in the irradiated boron carbide, are identified. It is shown, that the helium-accumulation center, disintegrating qt 100-150 deg C, is characterized by the disintegration activation energy of 23 eV (the assumed nature of the center is the cluster or complex from the helium internodal atoms). The helium accumulation centers, disintegrating at 800-1000 Deg C, are characterized by the activation energy of 0.65-0.75 eV (the assumed nature of the center is the helium-vacancy pores)
Original Title
Opredelenie ehnergeticheskikh parametrov tsentrov nakopleniya geliya v obluchennom karbide bora po spektram termodesorbtsii
Primary Subject
4 refs., 1 fig.
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue