Multiple cerebral cavernous malformations: typical pattern on MR imaging and appearance of a new lesion in the follow-up MRI
[en] Cerebral cavernous malformations (CCM) are common, mostly benign vascular anomalies of the CNS. Clinical features are seizures, headache and focal neurological signs. Often they are asymptomatic. Apart from sporadically cases CCM occur as an autosomal dominant condition. Familial cases are associated with a high frequency of multiple lesions. MRI is most sensitive in the detection of cavernous malformations. The MRI findings of CCM are variable, depending on hemorrhage and calcifications. The typical appearance of CCM are heterogenous ''popcorn-like'' lesions of different size with a mixed signal core and a hypointense hemosiderin rim. Our report concerns a 22 year old man with multiple cerebral cavernous malformations whose follow-up MRI of brain showed the appearance of a new lesion. (orig.)
Original Title
Multiple zerebrale kavernoese Angiome - Klassischer MRT-Befund mit Nachweis einer de-novo Gefaessmalformation im Verlauf
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Journal Article
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