Development of a capsule-type electrochemical transducer for oxygen monitoring in a heavy coolant
[en] A solid-electrolytic ceramics on the basis of ZrO2 with high strength and thermal resistance is fabricated. The ceramics is used for fabrication of sensitive elements in the form of capsule. A glass ceramics for pressure-tight connection of the ZrO2 ceramics with a metal is developed. Different modifications of the transducers of the thermodynamic activity of oxygen are fabricated for different conditions. The transducer is certificated and approved for using in oxygen monitoring in a heavy coolant
Original Title
Razrabotka ehlektrokhimicheskogo datchika kapsul'nogo tipa dlya kontrolya kisloroda v tyazhelom teplonositele
Primary Subject
4 refs., 4 figs.
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue