Localized surface plasmons in metal nanostructures: interaction with fluorophors
Reil, F.; Gerber, S.; Steinberger, B.; Ditlbacher, H.; Hohenau, A.; Drezet, A.; Krenn, J.R.; Aussenegg, F.R.; Leitner, A.
Funding organisation: European Comission (Commission of the European Communities (CEC))
56. annual symposium of the Austrian Physical Society. Abstracts2006
Funding organisation: European Comission (Commission of the European Communities (CEC))
56. annual symposium of the Austrian Physical Society. Abstracts2006
[en] Full text: Metal nanostructures show shape-dependent localized surface plasmon resonances which cause strong optical absorption and an enhanced optical near field close to their surface. For dye molecules in that near field zone this field enhancement modifies the local density of states, leading to modified optical behaviour of the molecule. Concerning the electronic de-excitation process, the corresponding radiative and non-radiative de-excitation rates can be enhanced by orders of magnitude, in contrast to molecules interacting with flat metal surfaces where only the non-radiative rate is essentially affected. In the case of a well overlapping plasmon resonance with the molecule's fluorescence emission frequency the interacting molecules show a dramatically shortened fluorescence lifetime and an enhanced signal amplitude. (author)
Ernst, W.E.; Neger, T. (Institut fuer Experimentalphysik, Graz University of Technology, Petersgasse 16, A-8010 Graz (Austria)) (eds.); Oesterreichische Physikalische Gesellschaft (Austria). Funding organisation: Graz University of Technology (Austria); Land Steiermark (Austria); Federal ministry for education, science and culture - BMBWK (Austria); Federal ministry for traffic, innovation and technology - BMVIT (Austria); Elsevier GmbH (Netherlands); SPL Powerlines (Austria); L and H Vakuumtechnik Vertriebs GmbH (Austria); Carl Zeiss SMT AG (Germany); Bank Austria Creditanstalt AG (Austria); Steiermaerkische Bank und Sparkassen AG (Austria); Schaefer Technologie GmbH (Germany); Pfeiffer Vacuum GmbH (Germany); Thorlabs GmbH (Germany); AVL List GmbH (Austria); vaqtec-scientific (Germany); Varian Deutschland GmbH (Germany); Toptica Photonics AG (Germany); Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH (Germany); Hiden Analytical Ltd (United Kingdom); Radiant Dyes Laser and Accessories GmbH (Germany); Surface and Surface systems and technology GmbH and Co. KG (Germany); VAT Deutschland GmbH (Germany); LOT-Oriel GmbH and CoKG (Germany); 175 p; 2006; p. 98; 56. annual symposium of the Austrian Physical Society; 56. Jahrestagung der Oesterreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft; Graz (Austria); 18-21 Sep 2006; PROJECT FP6 2002-IST-1-507879; Available in abstract form only, full text entered in this record. Book of abstracts available in electronic form at: http://oepg06.tugraz.at/Tagungsband-2006.pdf
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