Surface plasmon interferometry and leakage radiation microscopy
Drezet, A.; Hohenau, A; Ditlbacher, H.; Steinberger, B.; Galler, N.; Reil, F.; Koller, D.; Gerber, S.; Siebenhofer, A.; Aussenegg, F.R.; Leitner, A.; Krenn, J.R.; Stepanov, A.
Funding organisation: European Comission (Commission of the European Communities (CEC))
56. annual symposium of the Austrian Physical Society. Abstracts2006
Funding organisation: European Comission (Commission of the European Communities (CEC))
56. annual symposium of the Austrian Physical Society. Abstracts2006
[en] Full text: We demonstrate experimentally that leakage radiation microscopy (LRM) is an efficient way to analyze quantitatively surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) propagation and interference fringes on a metal film. We describe briefly the principle of the LRM method and present different applications with 3 SPPs interferometers. In all cases a good agreement with theory is observed. (author)
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Ernst, W.E.; Neger, T. (Institut fuer Experimentalphysik, Graz University of Technology, Petersgasse 16, A-8010 Graz (Austria)) (eds.); Oesterreichische Physikalische Gesellschaft (Austria). Funding organisation: Graz University of Technology (Austria); Land Steiermark (Austria); Federal ministry for education, science and culture - BMBWK (Austria); Federal ministry for traffic, innovation and technology - BMVIT (Austria); Elsevier GmbH (Netherlands); SPL Powerlines (Austria); L and H Vakuumtechnik Vertriebs GmbH (Austria); Carl Zeiss SMT AG (Germany); Bank Austria Creditanstalt AG (Austria); Steiermaerkische Bank und Sparkassen AG (Austria); Schaefer Technologie GmbH (Germany); Pfeiffer Vacuum GmbH (Germany); Thorlabs GmbH (Germany); AVL List GmbH (Austria); vaqtec-scientific (Germany); Varian Deutschland GmbH (Germany); Toptica Photonics AG (Germany); Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH (Germany); Hiden Analytical Ltd (United Kingdom); Radiant Dyes Laser and Accessories GmbH (Germany); Surface and Surface systems and technology GmbH and Co. KG (Germany); VAT Deutschland GmbH (Germany); LOT-Oriel GmbH and CoKG (Germany); 175 p; 2006; p. 116; 56. annual symposium of the Austrian Physical Society; 56. Jahrestagung der Oesterreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft; Graz (Austria); 18-21 Sep 2006; PROJECT FP6 NMP4-CT-2003-505699; Available in abstract form only, full text entered in this record. Book of abstracts available in electronic form at:
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