Canadian fuel performance
Robertson, J.A.L.; Page, R.D.; Bodie, L.L.
Proceedings of the specialist meeting on the safety of water reactors fuel elements1973
Proceedings of the specialist meeting on the safety of water reactors fuel elements1973
[en] Over 99.5 pc of the 45,000 UO2-in-Zircaloy fuel assemblies irradiated in the Candu power reactors have performed as designed. The few assemblies that developed leaks in operation were simply discharged from the reactors by the fuelling machines, which normally operate with the reactor at power. Since even these assemblies had already delivered much of their design energy before they were discharged, the resulting loss of burnup has been small. This very satisfactory operating experience has been achieved despite progressive increases in the performance targets, coinciding with steady decreases in total fuel cost, over the Candu fuel's 15-year history. This paper serves to up-date the already presented information and to report experience with the newer Pickering and Gentilly reactors (among all Candu reactors, Gentilly reactor is unique in using light water as coolant). Lessons learned show that close monitoring of the performance of fuel in power reactors allows problems to be identified at an early stage: provided that appropriate facilities and personnel are available, these problems can be solved before they limit the reactor's performance
Primary Subject
Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development, Nuclear Energy Agency - OECD/NEA, Committee on the safety of nuclear installations - CSNI, Le Seine Saint-Germain, 12 boulevard des Iles, F-92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux (France); Dept de Surete Nucleaire, Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, CEN Saclay, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex (France); 708 p; 1973; p. 673-685; Specialist meeting on the safety of water reactors fuel elements; Reunion de specialistes sur la surete des elements combustibles des reacteurs a eau; Saclay (France); 22-24 Oct 1973; 7 refs.
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