Pesticide Instrumental Analysis
Samir, E.; Fonseca, E.; Baldyga, N.; Acosta, A.; Gonzalez, F.; Felicita, F.; Tomasso, M.; Esquivel, D.; Parada, A.; Enriquez, P.; Amilibia, M.
Integrated analytical approaches for food traceability and pollution control2012
Integrated analytical approaches for food traceability and pollution control2012
[en] This workshop was the evaluation of the pesticides impact on the vegetable matrix with the purpose to determine the analysis by GC / M S. The working material were lettuce matrix, chard and a mix of green leaves and pesticides.
Original Title
Analisis instrumental de plaguicidas
Primary Subject
IAEA, Vienna (Austria); Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) (Italy); Intendencia de Montevideo, Servicio de Laboratorio de calidad Ambiental y Laboratorio de Bromatologia, Montevideo (Uruguay); [283.4 Mb]; Nov 2012; 9 p; FAO/IAEA regional workshop; FAO/IAEA taller regional; Montevideo (Uruguay); 5-9 Nov 2012; Available from National INIS Centre of Uruguay; Workshop evaluation
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