Theoretical studies on the electronic structure and properties of the heaviest elements
[en] In the presentation, we will overview results of atomic calculations till Z=122 that are important for placing these elements in the Periodic Table. They are also used for predictions of adsorption of atoms of these elements on neutral surfaces to guarantee their transportation from an accelerator to the chemistry set up. For the gas-phase chemistry experiments, predictions of volatility of group-4 through 8 compounds are presented and compared. General trends and a common character of the chemical behaviour are outlined. Predictions of volatility of elements in the atomic state, like of element 112, Cn, element 113, and element 114, Fl, as adsorption on neutral and metal surfaces are also described and compared. Interesting cases of volatility of even heavier elements, like 115, or 119 and 120 are considered. Influence of relativistic effects on properties and experimental behaviour of the heaviest elements is elucidated. Future perspectives for the chemical studies on the heaviest elements from the theoretical point of view are outlined
Primary Subject
Lahiri, Susanta; Datta, Arpita (Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata (India)) (eds.); Maiti, Moumita (ed.) (Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee (India)); Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata (India); 277 p; Jan 2014; p. 55-56; ARCEBS-2014: 3. international conference on application of radiotracers and energetic beams in sciences; Kolkata (India); 12-18 Jan 2014; 10 refs.
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