Implications of the new dose limit crystalline in operational radiation protection in interventional medicine
Roch Gonzalez, M.; Garcia Castanon, P.; Giner Sala, M.; Rodriguez Martin, G.; Espana Lopez, M. L.
III Joint Congress Spanish Societies of Medical Physics and Radiation Protection, 18-21 Jun 2013, Caceres Spain2013
III Joint Congress Spanish Societies of Medical Physics and Radiation Protection, 18-21 Jun 2013, Caceres Spain2013
[en] The objective of this study is to evaluate the implications of this new limit of equivalent dose in the lens can be assumed in the radiation protection of cardiologists, radiologists, nursing professionals, etc. that perform their work in units of intervention, both in terms of additional protective measures and the classification of them as workers exposed. (Author)
Original Title
Implicaciones del nuevo limite de dosis en cristalino en la proteccion radiologica operacional en intervencionismo
Primary Subject
910 p; ISBN 978-84-697-1831-5; ; 2013; p. 771-772; 3 Joint Congress Spanish Societies of Medical Physics and Radiation Protection; 3 Congreso Conjunto Sociedad Espanola Fisica Medica y Proteccion Radiologica; Caceres (Spain); 18-21 Jun 2013; Available; 2 refs.
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