Roentgen conductivity of CdGa2S4 single crystals
Mustafayeva, S.N.; Huseynov, C.T.
Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physics, Department of Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences Baku (AZ)2009
Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physics, Department of Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences Baku (AZ)2009
[en] CdGa2S4 single crystals were grown by chemical transport reactions. Roentgen dosimetric properties of CdGa2S4 single crystals were studied. It was shown that roentgen sensitivity coefficient (K) of studied single crystal varies at effective hardness of X-rays Va = 25-50 keV and dose rate E 0.75-78.05 R/min. It is established that K for CdGa2S4 single crystals increases with an increase in the dose rate E, but with an increase in the accelerating voltage (Va) coefficient K decreases. From roentgen ampere characteristics of Cadges it follows that the dependence of the stationary X-ray current on X-ray dose has a power character. At high dose rate of hard X-rays, α tends to 1.0 for CdGa2S4 single crystal
Primary Subject
4 figs
Record Type
Journal Article
Fizika (Baku); ISSN 1028-8546; ; v. 15(3); p. 20-22
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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