Status of Helium-Jet Ion-Source development at NSCL/FRIB
Das, J.J.; Zegers, Remco; Bollen, Georg; Stolz, Andreas; Villari, Antonio, E-mail:
Proceedings of the DAE international symposium on nuclear physics. V. 632018
Proceedings of the DAE international symposium on nuclear physics. V. 632018
[en] NSCL is a national user facility with a mission to provide beams of rare isotopes for researchers from around the world. Presently, a rare-isotope beam can only be delivered to one experimental end station. The Helium-Jet Ion Guide System (HJ-IGS) project is aimed at delivering a second radioactive ion beam to another end station by collecting rare isotopes that are not delivered to the primary user. This will be done by thermalizing rare isotopes in a stopping cell placed at suitable focal plane(s) off the ion-optical axis of the A1900 fragment separator
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Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences, Department of Atomic Energy, Mumbai (India); 1300 p; Dec 2018; p. 9; 63. DAE international symposium on nuclear physics; Mumbai (India); 10-14 Dec 2018
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