Determining regional background frequency of stable translocations in the population living in the territory adjacent to the Semipalatinsk test side
[en] The paper presents results of the regional background frequency of stable translocations using in situ fluorescent hybridization in different age groups, which ranges from 1.42±0.3 to 4.9±0.5 per 1000 cells. It found that frequency of stable chromosome aberrations revealed by FISH-technique increases with age. This is due to the fact that with age chromosome stability, DNA reparation and regeneration reduction progressively decelerate. The impact of bad habits such as smoking is the most studied sign affecting the level of translocations; therefore, correlation was made between the level of stable chromosome damage and this bad habit in age groups of interest. Background frequency of stable chromosome damage was calculated by means of equipment of automated cytogenetic platform based on the electronic Carl Zeiss AxioImager Z2 fluorescent microscope, automatic Metafer 4/M Search, ISIS (MetaSystems, Germany) metaphase search and analysis system and using commercial whole chromosome DNA probes for chromosomes 1, 4, 12.
Primary Subject
1 pic.; 7 refs.; 3 tabs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Radiation Researches; ISSN 2312-3001; ; v. 5(2); p. 265-272
Country of publication
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