Identification of Aquilaria Species by Conventional Techniques Supported by Molecular Markers
Azhar Mohamad; Peng, C.S.
Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia)
Transforming Malaysian Gaharu Industry with Science, Technology and Innovation2017
Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia)
Transforming Malaysian Gaharu Industry with Science, Technology and Innovation2017
[en] It is important to get the right planting material and or seedling to clonally propagate starter sources. Commercial planting of Aquilaria spp. in Malaysia is carried out for downstream purposes and is currently becoming a big industry for gaharu resin production. Planters will buy purportedly good quality Aquilaria seedlings from an established nursery without knowing if the seedlings could produce high quality resin at maturity. The easiest way to identify Aquilaria species is through their morphological characteristics or the phenotypic characterization of the leaves, stems or trunks, flowers and fruits. (author)
Primary Subject
Khairuddin Abdul Rahim; Mat Rasol Awang; Rusli Ibrahim (Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia)) (eds.); Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia); 176 p; ISBN 978-983-49-0726-6; ; 2017; p. 11-24; Available in Malaysian Nuclear Agency Library; 7 figs.
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