Using the method of approximate calculation of low-importance nuclide cross-sections in the burnup simulation of VVER-1000 core by the MCU Monte Carlo code
Bikeev, A.S.; Kalugin, M.A.; Shkarovskij, D.A.; Shkityr', V.V., E-mail: bikeev_as@nrcki.ru2018
[en] The paper discusses the use of the summary isotope method in solving the problem of changing the nuclide composition of uranium fuel in the VVER-1000 reactor core or its fragment. It is shown that the use of this list of nuclides reduces the total calculation time by 4 times
Original Title
Ispol'zovanie metodiki priblizhennogo rascheta sechenij maloznachashchikh nuklidov pri modelirovanii vygoraniya aktivnoj zony VVEhR-1000 po pretsizionnoj programme MCU
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
7 refs., 5 figs., 2 tabs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Voprosy Atomnoj Nauki i Tekhniki. Seriya: Yaderno-Reaktornye Konstanty; ISSN 2414-1038; ; (no.4); p. 23-32
Country of publication
Descriptors (DEI)
Descriptors (DEC)
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue