[en] The discovery of the elements 113, 115, 117 and 118 was announced on december 30. 2015 by the UICPA (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry). This announcement was based on the conclusions of an expert group the Joint Working Party (JWP) and became soon polemical as some scientists began questioning the quality of the assessment and the fact that the UIPPA (International Union of Pure and Applied Physics) had not been informed before the announcement. In order to avoid some future misunderstandings, the UICPA and the UIPPA have agreed on a procedure to implement officially any new element. In the new procedure, published in may 2018, the chairmen of UICPA and UIPPA have the possibility of examining the conclusions of the JWP before any announcement, they can also lead their own peer assessment and draw their own conclusions. (A.C.)
Original Title
Du rififi sur le tableau periodique
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4 refs.
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Journal Article
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