[en] SPAR1 calculates exact gamma-ray fluxes from uniform sources with the shapes of slabs, disks, lines, cylinders, truncated cones, toroids and spheres. Gamma-ray dose rates and energy absorption rates may also be obtained by including in the program input data gamma-ray buildup factors expressed in Taylor exponential coefficient form. SPAR1 will calculate fast neutron dose rates and thermal neutron fluxes in those cases where the use of neutron removal cross sections is valid. All 3-D sources having curved surfaces (cylinders, spheres, and toroids) may have both curved and slab shields intervening between the source and the detector point. The treatment of cylindrical volume sources allows the detector point to be arbitrarily located, and a finite cylindrical shield may be considered. A cylindrical surface source option is also included. In all cases, uniform source strength, laminar shields, and the validity of the point kernel are assumed. It is always possible to formally integrate over at least one dimension of a three-dimensional source, leaving a non-singular integrand to be numerically evaluated over at most two dimensions. This numeric integration is done using Gauss-Lengendre quadranumeric. SPAR1 is designed to furnish quick answers to simple shielding problems such as those encountered in scoping studies and in answering urgent questions, and thus to save engineering time. This program is written in FORTRAN IV and is designed to run on a CDC-6600
Original Title
Uniform sources--slabs, disks, lines, cylinders, truncated cones, toroids, spheres, in FORTRAN IV for CDC-6600
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Jun 1976; 154 p; Available from NTIS. $6.75.
Record Type
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue