Gamma ray spectroscopy in 39K following heavy ion induced reactions
Nolan, P.J.; Al-Naser, A.M.; Behbahani, A.H.; Green, L.L.; Lister, C.J.; Sharpey-Schafer, J.F.
European conference on nuclear physics with heavy ions. Caen, 6-10 September 19761976
European conference on nuclear physics with heavy ions. Caen, 6-10 September 19761976
No abstract available
Original Title
24Mg(18O,p2n)39K and 28Si(16O,αp)39K at 42MeV
Primary Subject
Fernandez, B.; Harar, S.; Jacmart, J.C.; Peter, J. (eds.); CEA, 75 - Paris (France); European Physical Society, Geneva (Switzerland); p. 87; ISBN 2727200110; ; 1976; Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique; Paris, France; European conference on nuclear physics with heavy ions; Caen, France; 6 Sep 1976; Published in summary form only.
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