Experimental tests and calculation methods for missile crashing effects on a reactor containment
[en] In the analysis of missile crashing on a reactor containment there are two main effects to be taken into account: the overall behavior of the building; the local perforation. The overall behavior of the building is easily calculated when the applied force as a function of time is known. Two calculation examples are presented. The local perforation is a much more difficult problem and experimental work is necessary. The report presents a series of perforation tests of concrete plates by cylindrical missiles with a flat nose. The aim of these tests is to extrapolate for the lower speeds the existing experimental correlations (Petry, HN-NDRC, BRL...) and to check the calculation methods. The calculations are made with the PASTEL Code (Finite elements, implicit integration), with elastoplasticity of the reinforcing steel bars and the concrete. Various plastification and fracturation laws will be tested
Primary Subject
v. 4 (pt.J); 1975; J 5/6, 10 p; 3. International conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology; London, UK; 1 Sep 1975
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue