[en] Single-event spectra have been measured for 60Co γ-radiation and filtered 200 kV X-rays for spherical and cylindrical volumes of sub-cellular size. For the measurements a novel wall-less proportional counter was developed which in a simple manner may be converted into a wall-counter. Measurements of the gas amplification of this counter yielded new values for the gas parameters A and B permitting the estimation of the multiplication of proportional counters at high electric potential on the collecting electrode. It further showed that the minimum effective diameter to be used is 0.1 μm if measurements of radiation with a low LET are made. The energy deposition with the highest probability was approximately 0.17 KeV/μm for the 60Co radiation and approximately 0.65 KeV/μm for the X-radiation. (orig./BJ)
Original Title
Untersuchungen zur Energieuebertragung von Roentgen- und Gammastrahlen an biologischen Modellstrukturen
Secondary Subject
Apr 1977; 96 p; 44 figs.; 7 tabs.; with refs.
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Descriptors (DEI)
Descriptors (DEC)
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue