Autoradiographic technique for rapid inventory of plutonium-containing fast critical assembly fuel
Brumbach, S.B.; Perry, R.B.
Argonne National Lab., Ill. (USA)1977
Argonne National Lab., Ill. (USA)1977
[en] A nondestructive autoradiographic technique is described which can provide a verification of the piece count and the plutonium content of plutonium-containing fuel elements. This technique uses the spontaneously emitted gamma rays from plutonium to form images of fuel elements on photographic film. Autoradiography has the advantage of providing an inventory verification without the opening of containers or the handling of fuel elements. Missing fuel elements, substitution of nonradioactive material, and substitution of elements of different size are detectable. Results are presented for fuel elements in various storage configurations and for fuel elements contained in a fast critical assembly
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Oct 1977; 24 p; Available from NTIS., PC A03/MF A01
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