Standard oxidation potential of Fm2+/Fm3+ pair
Rumer, I.A.; Mikheev, N.B.; Kamenskaya, A.N.; Konovalova, N.A.; Auehrman, L.N.; Podorozhnyj, A.M.
Conference on analytical chemistry of radioactive elements1977
Conference on analytical chemistry of radioactive elements1977
No abstract available
Original Title
Standartnyj okislitel'nyj potentsial pary Fm2+/Fm3+
Primary Subject
AN SSSR, Moscow; Gosudarstvennyj Komitet po Ispol'zovaniyu Atomnoj Ehnergii SSSR, Moscow; AN SSSR, Moscow. Inst. Geokhimii i Analiticheskoj Khimii; p. 39-40; 1977; Conference on analytical chemistry of radioactive elements; Moscow, USSR; 26 - 28 Sep 1977; 3 refs.; published in summary form only.
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INIS IssueINIS Issue