Study of structural changes during deformation of polycrystal vanadium
[en] Investigated were the polycrystalline vanadium dislocation structure formed within the range of temperatures between 20 and 1000 deg C and in the interval of deformations between 5 and 94%. The diagram of states was established in the temperature vs. degree of deformation coordinates from electron microscopy data. It was shown that a deformation of 5-7% leads to the appearance in the structure of incorrect shape dislocations with a lot of jogs and kinks. The density of relatively homogeneously distributed dislocations increases with the degree of deformation up to the latter's value of 50%. At a deformation greater than 50%, there forms a cellular structure, there remaining ranges where no cellular structure is formed. Thus, there appears a two-component texture with a different level of internal stresses. Annealing of such a material gives rise to areas of different types of cellular structure
Original Title
Issledovanie strukturnykh izmenenij pri deformatsii polikristallicheskogo vanadiya
Primary Subject
For English translation see the ournal Phys. Met. Metallogr.
Record Type
Journal Article
Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie; v. 45(2); p.403-409
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue