[en] Full text: A decommissioning project is performed on the nuclear facility research reactor WWR-S Magurele-Bucharest to remove the radioactive and hazardous materials to avoid any risk to human health and the environment. The project involves four phases, namely: assessment, development, activity implementation and closeout. There are two major parts of the assesment phase: preliminary characterisation and the review and decision-making process. Characterisation is needed to develop project baseline data, which should include sufficient chemical, physical, and radiological characterisation to meet planning needs. Based on the conclusions of these studies, possible decommissioning alternatives will be considered, the best alternative chosen, final goal identified, risk assessments evaluated, and issues of regulations supporting assessment, land use considerations, financial problems, disposal availability, public involvement, and technology developments will be appropriately solved. After a decommissioning alternative is chosen, detailed engineering will begin following appropriate regulatory guidance. The plan requires characterisation information, namely: review of decommissioning alternatives; justification for the selected alternative; provision for regulatory compliance; predictions of personnel exposure, radioactive waste volume, and cost. Other activities are the following: scheduling, preparation for decommissioning operations, coordination, documentation, characterization, report, feasibility studies, Decommissioning Plan, project report day to day, radiological survey, airborne sampling records, termination survey of the site. Key concerns in operations are worker protection, health and safety program, review of planing work, work area assessment, work area controls, personal protection and monitoring, environmental protection: air quality, surface water, ground water, shipments, effluent sampling and monitoring, environmental monitoring, site release criteria. The final chemical and radiological surveys, as well as a Project Final Report, should be produced in the conclusion of the decommissioning project. Project stages are the following: 1. Documentation: - Urbanism licence from Ilfov Prefecture; - Feasibility study for 16 years and 3 months approved, for green-field stage decommissioning; - Technical documentation for building demolition for obtaining the Permission from Ilfov Prefecture - already obtained in December 2003; - Decommissioning Plan revision 5 - which develop immediate dismantling strategies (16 years and 3 months) - finished in December 2003; - MECT financing 'Technical Project' and 'Execution Documentation' (effected by CITON in 2004); - Decommissioning Plan revision 5 for IAEA Technical Assistance Contract ROM 04/029 2003-2006; 2. Preparing activities for starting the decommissioning process include: Clean-up activities, radiological characterisation, up-grading of storage conditions at nuclear spent fuel by air filtering, maintaining and monitoring of water parameters from water pools nuclear spent fuel storage, work protection and nuclear safety for Nuclear Reactor concerning ANL - USA agreement for September 2003 - September 2005 period with 1 year prolongation, 500 kUSD value. 3. Specific activities in preservation stage of Nuclear Reactor: surveillance, radiological monitoring, maintaining and improvement of nuclear surveillance, improvement of nuclear surveillance of AFR, and finally implementation of CNCAN disposition by license stipulation. (author)