[en] This conference is part of a series of conferences previously organised in Harwell (1978), Antwerp (1982), Santa Fe (1985), Mito (1988), Juelich (1991), Gatlinburg (1994), Trieste (1997), Tsukuba (2001), and Santa Fe (2004). The purpose of these conferences is to bring together scientists and engineers involved in the production or use of nuclear data for various applications. The ND-2007 conference covered a wide range of activities including measurements, theoretical model developments, evaluation, processing, validation and dissemination of nuclear data. The scope of the conference included the following fields of application: fission and fusion energy, accelerator technology, dosimetry and shielding, astrophysics and cosmology, safeguards and security, space, medicine, environment. The corresponding needs for improved nuclear data was addressed. The conference programme was established by the Local Organizing Committee with the help of the International Advisory Committee, the International Programme Committee, and Session Leaders. Out of the 635 summaries received from the nuclear data community, 393 were selected for presentation at the conference and 339 are included in these proceedings. The final programme consisted of two opening talks, one banquet speech, six plenary talks, 32 invited talks, 130 oral presentations 195 poster presentations. (authors)