[en] Recently, efforts to develop high temperature gas cooled reactors with an aim to building futuristic nuclear energy systems with advanced nuclear fuel cycles in the context of the Generation IV International Forum have increased significantly. In addition, several development projects are ongoing, focusing on the burning of weapons grade plutonium, including civil plutonium and other transuranic elements using the 'deep-burn concept', or 'inert matrix fuels', especially in the form of coated particles in gas cooled reactor systems. There is also considerable global interest in developing 'nuclear hydrogen' energy systems using high temperature gas cooled reactors. Apart from these developments, the value of preserving the large technology base developed in Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States of America, as well as information developed in other countries, has also been a subject of interest to the IAEA. At the second annual meeting of the 'technical working group on nuclear fuel cycles options and spent fuel management' (TWG-NFCO), held in Vienna from 28-30 May 2003, it was recommended to hold a technical meeting on Current Status and Future Prospects of Gas Cooled Reactor Fuels. The meeting should cover the technological progress that has been made in the last three years and plan future fabrication and qualification facilities for GCR/HTR fuel. TWG-NFCO considered it timely that this progress should be presented and discussed in the interested community. Recognizing the numerous activities being pursued in many Member States, the IAEA convened the technical meeting on this topic in June 2004 in Vienna. Consequently, an update meeting was held in June 2005, which was hosted by the Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology of Ukraine to review and integrate the latest developments. This publication combines the results of the technical meeting of June 2004 and the meeting of June 2005. The proceedings presented here contain 25 in depth papers on the following topics: overview of recent developments in nine countries; power and limitations of coated particle fuel modelling; Fuel performance technology; and novel ideas/applications/disposal questions. The meeting critically reviewed advanced fuel designs, including conventional ones, fabrication technology, quality assurance/quality control of fuel, fuel irradiation qualification, fuel performance, fuel modelling for transport and performance and overall fuel cycle issues