[en] NEPTUNE-CFD is a code based on a 3D transient Eulerian two-fluid model. It is developed within the framework of the NEPTUNE project, financially supported by CEA (Commissariat a l'energie Atomique), EDF, IRSN (Institut de Radioprotection et de Surete Nucleaire) and AREVA-NP. NEPTUNE-CFD is mainly devoted to Nuclear Reactor Safety (NRS) issues. One of the main application targets is the two-phase Pressurized Thermal Shock (PTS), which is related to PWR reactor pressure vessel lifetime safety studies, when sub-cooled water from Emergency Core Cooling (ECC) system is injected into the uncovered cold leg, and penetrates into the RPV downcomer. Following the NEA/CSNI Best Practice Guidelines (BPGs), relevant PTS-scenarios have been identified; a Phenomena Identification and Ranking Table (PIRT) process, the related state of the art of modeling and the existing data basis have been reviewed by a panel of European experts, mainly within the ECORA and NURESIM projects. Consistently, the following five experiments were selected for the NEPTUNECFD validation presented in this paper. The first four are useful for separate effects validation. The Fabre et al., 1987, experiment is a co-current smooth and wavy Air Water Stratified (AWST) flow in a rectangular channel with detailed measurements of turbulence and velocities. It allows to validate the dynamic models (turbulence and interfacial friction). The Lim et al., 1984, experiment is a co-current smooth and wavy Steam Water Stratified (SWST) flow in a rectangular channel with measurements of the steam flow rates at six axial positions along the channel. It allows to validate the condensation models. The Bonetto and Lahey, 1993, and the Iguchi et al., 1998, experiments deal with a water jet impingement on a water pool free surface in air environment. In the first one, the void fraction and the mean velocities are measured whereas in the second one, mean and rms velocities are measured. Both allow to validate the dynamic models in the situation of a jet impinging a pool free surface - a challenging case for two-phase CFD - the first one mainly versus gas entrainment phenomena and the second one mainly versus turbulence. Finally, the COSI experiment represents a cold leg scaled 1/100 for volume and power from a 900 MW PWR under LOCA conditions, and therefore can be used for global validation. The measurements include condensation rates and temperature profiles at eight axial positions in the pipe, at various ECC flow rates, inlet steam flow rates and water level in the cold leg. It allows to validate all the models involved in a PTS. The five experiments were calculated with NEPTUNE-CFD 1.0.8 with the same set of models. It includes the Large Interface Method (LIM) and a RANS approach with (k-ε) transport equations in each phase. The available measurement uncertainties are generally smaller than typical calculation / measurement discrepancies. Unfortunately there are often lacks in the available experimental data which stress the need for new ones such as the on-going TOPFLOW-PTS. Following the BPGs, the mesh sensitivity is investigated. The five experiments all deal of course with free surfaces. In this case, the BPGs concede that it is not possible to obtain completely grid-independent results and this is actually what we found. However, some calculations show that the LIM transfer models at the free surface, which are written under the format of wall-functions, allow to better master some mesh size effects, confirming the adequacy of this modeling approach for the industrial application. (authors)