[en] Full text: The 14F7 murine MAb is an IgG1 that binds specifically to GM3(Neu-Gc) ganglioside strongly recognizing the antigen displayed in human breast and melanoma tumors. A preliminary report showed in vivo evidences of presence of GM3(Neu-Gc) ganglioside in human breast primary tumors using 14F7 MAb labelled with 99mTc. In this work the pharmacokinetics and biodistribution of 99mTc-14F7 MAb in patient with breast cancer were studied. The absorbed dose in normal organ and tumors was also calculated. The patients were selected from a Phase I/II clinical trial which included 14 female patients with cytological diagnose of breast carcinoma in stage II without previous onco-specific treatment. Three groups were conformed: Group I (0.3mg, n=5), Group II (1mg, n=5) and Group III (3mg, n=4). The activity ranged in 1.11 - 1.48GBq (30- 40mCi) was intravenously administered during 1-2min. The 99mTc-14F7 plasma clearance was determined by blood sampling at 5, 10, 20, 30min and 1, 2, 4, 8 and 24h after injection. All urine excreted by patients was collected during 24h after injection at intervals of 0-2h, 2-8h and 8-24h. Prior to injection, a transmission scan of head, thorax, abdomen and pelvis was obtained using a 57Co flood source. Anterior and posterior whole body images were acquired at 30min, 2h, 4h, 8h and 24h after injection using a Gamma Camera (SophyCamera DS7) with pinhole collimator. Static anterior and posterior images were obtained from head, thorax, abdomen, pelvis and lateral images of each breast in pendular position at 2h, 4h, 8h and 24h. Internal absorbed dose calculation was performed according to MIRD formalism using the S values for adult non-pregnant female phantom downloaded from the RADAR website. Self-absorbed tumor dose were calculated assuming those as spheres with uniform distribution of activity. The plasma clearance of radiotracer in all groups shows a monoexponential decay behaviour with biological elimination half time ranged in 15h and 19h. The distribution volume was similar to physiological volume in normal subject. A low urinary excretion was observed. The biodistribution shows a high retention of radiotracer in whole-body. A high uptake and retention was observed in bone marrow, kidneys and liver. The highest absorbed dose per MBq was observed in liver and kidneys. The 99mTc-14F7 shows a rapid tumor uptake (<2.5h) with a delayed biological elimination half time (>4.5 days). In most cases, the maximum activity uptake in tumor (<1%/100g of tumor) was observed at 24 hours after injection. The pharmacokinetic data observed for 99mTc-14F7 MAb behaves as a monoexponential model showing a slow clearance from plasma and a low urinary excretion. (author)