[en] Since 2008, ADEME's study 'Markets and jobs contributing to the energy transition' has monitored more than 30 sectors, divided into three main areas: Renewable and Recoverable Energies (R and RE), Low-Energy and Low-Emission Land Transport, and Residential Buildings. For each sector, the study tracks the associated markets (in terms of sales) and direct jobs (in terms of FTEs) in France. Each sector is broken down into 5 major segments: equipment manufacturing (including those for export), equipment sales, construction of production units and equipment installation, project assembly and preliminary studies, domestic energy sales, and operation and maintenance of equipment and installations. In addition, a market and job growth trajectory aligned with public policy objectives is also indicated up to 2028. This is based on the objectives of the French Multiannual Energy Program (PPE2) and the National Low-Carbon Strategy (SNBC). The markets and jobs corresponding to these environmental policy objectives are compared with current trends in the various sectors concerned, using the preliminary 2023 estimate calculated on the basis of the first available data and information (ADEME, SDES, Observ'ER, Uniclima, Eurostat, INSEE, Enedis, CCFA, AVERE, trade federations)