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«The Muslim Benjamin: Bashar!!!» Despite of millennials of Monarchy, Iran is a Republic since 1979 and promoted the Democracy in a region where traditionally there were nothing other than absolute monarchy and lifetime presidency republics! Iran made referendum, elections and presidents substitutions with no more than two 4-years mandates for a general suffrage elected President during almost 5 decades despite of all western conspiracies and pressures and embargoes and wars imposed to the Iranian nation! In Iran we believe deeply in Democracy and we apply it and we adapt it by local updates and we made the Resistance by deeply understand the unconscious need of our region’s population and we believe in and we know that the Resistance continues until the establishment of a Just Global Order! The Just Global Order begins from within humans and spreads into families, societies and global communities and those not believing in are condemned to defeat! This includes not only the western unfair order and Zionism’s existence but also the Bashar’s regime in Syria whom gained 10 supplementary years of presidency by the Resistance’s support to promote Democracy in Syria but failed because of its mindset! Meanwhile in Iran we changed 3 presidents and 870 parliamentarians and thousands of mayors!!! Hezbollah in Lebanon is a political party which remains in power as long as there is Zionism in Israel and Hamas as same in Palestine but Bashar made the entire country as its own political territory which doesn’t function even in Israel!!! We noticed our counterparts in Syria, 2 years ago, that you are late in what you promised us to make an Islamic Republic in Syria instead of a uni-party Ba’ath lifetime familial presidency Republic which is unacceptable everywhere and you cannot ignore a nation’s political will even the oppressed terrorized Syrian nation! Resistance is not an unconditional support against nation’s will but a manifestation of nation’s will in the national and international scenes and gains power in all possible Syrian’s configuration because of Zionism’s threat! The one who should learn mostly from Syrian events is the Zionism in Israel whom is facing the same destiny! #Will #Power #Syria #Bashar #Assad #Tahrir #Turkey #Russia #Iran #Resistance #Hezbollah #Hamas #Palestine #Lebanon #Israel #Zionism #Democracy #Republic #Monarchy