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Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (1987)


1987 Volume 38 Issue 4

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Some thoughts on book reviewing
Danny P. Wallace

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Two medical literatures that are logically but not bibliographically connected
Don R. Swanson

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On the minimum vocabulary problem
N. Chandrasekharan | R. Sridhar | S. S. Iyengar

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Probabilistic retrieval and coordination level matching
Robert M. Losee

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Boolean interpretation of conjunctions for document retrieval
Padmini Das-Gupta

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A study of discourse anaphora in scientific abstracts
Elizabeth D. Liddy | Susan Bonzi | Jeffrey Katzer | Elizabeth Oddy

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An investigation of the coauthor graph
Elisabeth Logan | William M. Shaw Jr.

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Concept recognition in an automatic text-processing system for the life sciences
Natasha Vleduts-Stokolov

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Pratt's measure for some bibliometric distributions and its relation with the 80/20 rule
Leo Egghe

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Sub-Saharan Africa and the paperless society
Anthony Olden

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Another test of the normative theory of citing
Michael H. MacRoberts | Barbara R. MacRoberts

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Online information retrieval reading list
Barbara Miller

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Online retrieval
Donald T. Hawkins

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Relationship between productivity & obsolescence
Maurice B. Line

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Author-date style of referencing
Susan Dingle

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History of databases
Charles T. Meadow

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Information processes. I. Hierarchical information systems
Ralph Dumain

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Rejoinder to Ralph Dumain's letter
Dennis Hollenberg

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Careers in other fields for librarians: Successful strategies for finding the job
Lawrence W. S. Auld

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Technologies of freedom
Richard A. V. Diener

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The story behind the word
Debra C. Rollins

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Advances in human-computer interaction
James L. Divilbiss

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New directions in library and information science education
F. W. Lancaster

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Subject and information analysis
Candy Schwartz

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Vocabulary control for information retrieval
Bert R. Boyce

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Online information retrieval concepts, principles, and techniques
Bert R. Boyce

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Information specialist as team player in the research process
Glynn Harmon


1987 Volume 38 Issue 3

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Historical notes
Donald H. Kraft

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Allen Kent

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Cyril Cleverdon
Allen Kent

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Clustering analysis for graphs with multiweighted edges: A unified approach to the threshold problem
Roy Goetschel Jr.

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The Array Model: A conceptual modeling approach to document retrieval
Ian A. Macleod | A. R. Reuber

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Computation of term/document discrimination values by use of the cover coefficient concept
Fazli Can | Esen A. Ozkarahan

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Knowledge-based indexing of the medical literature: The Indexing Aid Project
Susanne M. Humphrey | Nancy E. Miller

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Class dispersion between the Library of Congress Classification and the Dewey Decimal Classification
Edward T. O'Neill | Martin Dillon | Diane Vizine-Goetz

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Ethics and information science
Manfred Kochen

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A model for the stopping behavior of users of online systems
Paul B. Kantor

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Information science research: Where is the meat?
Nahum Goldmann

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Rejoinder to Nahum Goldmann's letter
Gerard Salton

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Toward expert systems
Hans H. Wellisch

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Rejoinder to Hans H. Wellisch's letter
Raya Fidel

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Computer graphics glossary
Katharine Phenix | Jorg R. Jemelka

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Encyclopedia of information systems and services: 1985-86. 6th ed. International volume
Tillie Krieger

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Electronic publishing plus: Media for a technological future
F. W. Lancaster

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Languages for automation
Arie Zvieli

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Micrographics, 2nd ed
Audrey N. Grosch

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Continuing education for the library information professions
Kathleen M. Heim

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Technical standards: An introduction for librarians
James E. Rush

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Financing information services
Richard W. Boss


1987 Volume 38 Issue 1

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Library book circulation and the beta-binomial distribution
E. Gelman | H. S. Sichel

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Optimal clustering in graphs with weighted edges: A unified approach to the threshold problem
Roy Goetschel | William Voxman

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Information retrieval research and ESPRIT
Alan F. Smeaton

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A note on weighted queries in information retrieval systems
Ronald R. Yager

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Introduction and overview
Lois F. Lunin | Joseph P. Caponio

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Section I. National policy for health information services. Policy on management of Federal Information Resources
J. Timothy Sprehe

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Section II. Health sciences libraries. National Library of Medicine: The view at 150 years
Donald A. B. Lindberg

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Effect of federal programs on health sciences libraries
Raymond A. Palmer

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Section III. Health information analysis centers, clearinghouses, and other special projects. Federal health information clearinghouses
Jean A. Westler

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The Neurological Information Network
Alfred Weissberg | Joseph F. Caponio | Lois F. Lunin

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Technical information programs of the National Cancer Institute
Daniel R. Masys | Susan Molloy Hubbard

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Section IV. NTIS - GPO: Federal information disseminators. The National Technical Information Service: A federal resource for health information and services
Darcia D. Bracken

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The U.S. Government Printing Office - Marketing and publishing
Ralph E. Kennickell Jr.

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Section V. Public/private information providers. Evolution of contractor-supported health information activities
Molly A. Wolfe
