We have reached an agreement with German wind-turbine manufacturer Enercon for the purchase, installation and operation of 28 wind turbines to be installed at the Búrfellslundur wind farm near Mount Vaðalda. This will be the first wind farm in Iceland and is expected to be operational by 2027. Exciting times ahead for the (third) energy transition in Iceland ⚡
Renewable Energy Power Generation
Reykjavík, Capital Region 6,677 followers
The National Power Company of Iceland
About us
Landsvirkjun is owned by the Icelandic state and processes 75% of all electricity used in Iceland. We are the country's largest electricity generator and one of the largest producers of renewable energy in Europe. Landsvirkjun operates 15 power stations all over Iceland, in five areas of operation. In operating power stations, emphasis is placed on a holistic vision, where prudence, reliability and harmony of the operations with the environment and society are the guiding principles. At Landsvirkjun, we are resolute in our vision of the future. Our role is to pursue a higher standard in all our endeavours, to pursue innovative and unconventional pathways in technological development, and above all, to achieve the extraordinary. At Landsvirkjun we aspire to become a leader in the sustainable use of renewable energy sources. Prudence, progressiveness and reliability are key elements in the creation and development of new projects. Iceland generates 99% of its energy from renewable hydroelectric and geothermal sources. Landsvirkjun generates three fourths of this energy from hydroelectric power and geothermal energy. Landsvirkjun is one of the largest producers of renewable energy in Europe.
- Website
External link for Landsvirkjun
- Industry
- Renewable Energy Power Generation
- Company size
- 201-500 employees
- Headquarters
- Reykjavík, Capital Region
- Type
- Privately Held
- Founded
- 1965
- Specialties
- Renewable Energy, Hydropower, Geothermal, Windpower, Innovation, Innovation, and Research
Katrínartún 2
Reykjavík, Capital Region 105, IS
Employees at Landsvirkjun
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Hvaða þættir hafa áhrif á raforkuverð á Íslandi? Haukur Ásberg sérfræðingur í viðskiptagreiningu Landsvirkjunar, skrifar um þá þrjá þætti sem hafa mest áhrif. 💦 Til skemmri tíma hafa duttlungar náttúrunnar töluverð áhrif, þ.e. innrennsli í uppistöðulón landsins 🔌 Til lengri tíma hafa ákvarðanir um fjárfestingu í raforkukerfinu áhrif á raforkuverð. Ástæða lágs raforkuverðs á Íslandi er að stærstum hluta að það voru teknar ákvarðanir í fortíðinni um að byggja upp hagstætt rafaorkukerfi sem hefur reynst þjóðinni vel 🏡 🏭 Að lokum hefur eftirspurnin eftir raforku áhrif á verðið. Aukin fólksfjölgun og hagvöxtur krefst aukinnar orku og tækniframfarir hafa skapað nýja leiðir til matvælaframleiðslu og möguleika á nýtingu gervigreindar Haukur Hilmarsson Landsvirkjun https://lnkd.in/eC-j2SKX
Hækkun raforkuverðs á Íslandi
Við ætlum að vanda okkur segir Ásbjörg Kristinsdóttir framkvæmdastjóri um verkefnin framundan.
Ærin verkefni næstu ár - Vísir
Executive Vice President of Business Development and Innovation here at Landsvirkjun, Rikki Rikardsson attended the COP29 in Azerbaijan earlier this month.
Innovation for the energy transition
Það gleður okkur að tilkynna að Dr. Bjarni Palsson hefur verið ráðinn í starf framkvæmdastjóra Vinds og jarðvarma! Bjarni hefur yfirgripsmikla þekkingu og reynslu af orkumálum, stefnumótun og stjórnun og hefur starfað innan orkugeirans í nær þrjá áratugi, þar af tæplega 15 ár sem stjórnandi hjá Landsvirkjun. Bjarni var forstöðumaður Þróunar jarðvarma hjá Landsvirkjun og bar þar ábyrgð á stefnumótun, áætlanagerð og framkvæmd stórra verkefna, m.a. stækkun Þeistareykjavirkjunar. Hann hefur einnig verið í fararbroddi við innleiðingu vindorku sem þriðju stoðar Landsvirkjunar, ásamt því að stýra fjölda nýsköpunar- og þróunarverkefna á sviði endurnýjanlegrar orku.
Bjarni Pálsson framkvæmdastjóri Vinds og jarðvarma
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Exciting and inspiring days at COP29 Azerbaijan 🌎 Congratulations to Rikki Rikardsson, Executive Vice President of Business Development and Innovation at Landsvirkjun on his participation in the panel discussion "Harnessing Technology and Innovation for NDC Implementation" with the Climate Action Coalition at the UNFCCC Pavilion. He highlighted Iceland’s remarkable transition to 100% renewable electricity and heating, showcasing its strategy of supporting power-intensive industries like aluminum, data centers, and fish farming while providing secure, affordable, and just energy to local communities. To sustain this growth, it’s essential for the government to facilitate land access and permitting for competitive renewables, foster ongoing renewable energy development, and create a business environment that supports long-term energy contracts and energy security. Ensuring competitiveness serves the public’s interest 🤝 Watch the full session here: https://lnkd.in/e3KpjafE We were also thrilled to reconnect with Jennifer Granholm, the US Secretary of Energy, at the US Centre Pavilion. She hosted a session on "The Next Industrial Revolution: Sparking A Global Clean Energy Transition." During her talk, Granholm emphasized the positive effects of the US Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) on green energy and industrial growth. This investment is not only helping the US tackle the climate crisis but also promotes economic and social benefits by creating jobs, strengthening domestic supply chains, and lowering energy costs for households 🌱 There’s still much more to come from #COP29, so stay tuned for further updates!
„Ég held að það sé mikilvægt núna eftir kosningar að stíga inn og setja nýja kosti í nýtingarflokk... Við þurfum að geta haldið beint áfram ef við ætlum að uppfylla þarfir samfélagsins um 5-6 teravattstundir fram til ársins 2035, svo í byrjun næsta kjörtímabils þurfum við að undirbúa næstu kosti strax“, sagði Hörður forstjóri í Dagmálum í dag, þar sem þeir Heiðar Guðjónsson ræddu við Andreu Sigurðardóttur um brýnustu verkefnin sem bíða nýrrar ríkisstjórnar í orkumálum. Hlekkur á þáttinn í fyrstu athugasemd.
Við hlökkum til að taka á móti sem flestum á opnum fundi um raforkuöryggi á fimmtudaginn í Grósku! ⚡ Vegna fjölda áskorana verður fundurinn einnig í streymi ⚡
Raforkuöryggi, fyrir hverja?
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Meet us at Hydro 2024 at our booth Nr. 185 ! Iceland has over 100 years of experience in designing, building, and maintaining large-scale hydropower stations and power transmission systems. This year, at #Hydro2024 we're proud to be joined by four leading companies Landsvirkjun, EFLA Consulting Engineers, COWI and Verkís Consulting Engineers Stop by to say hello and discover how Iceland is driving sustainable energy forward! Aqua~Media International Ltd (The International Journal on Hydropower & Dams)