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Today, the European Commission officially announced their omnibus bill that prioritizes competitiveness and corporate interests over the protection of human rights and the environment. This comes as a response to businesses protesting that recently passed environmental regulatory framework impedes their innovation and competitiveness, of which there is little evidence and most of which have not entered into force yet. With the bill’s now official announcement, the Commission has both failed to follow the fundamental rules of EU policymaking while also contradicting the very values that the EU stands for. As stated by ActionAid’s Javier Garcia, “This is a live hold up on democracy and on our core values such as the protection of human rights and the environment. This will also have damaging effects on European climate diplomacy.” We urge MEPs to defend the values the EU says it stands for and oppose the damages that this bill will cause to our planet, our citizens, and our democracy. Read our latest press release for the full statement: