The boom of almond-based yogurt: a tasty and nutritious alternative that is revolutionizing the healthy snack market. In our latest in-depth article, we explore the reasons why consumers are choosing almond yogurt and how Alfrus is leading innovation in this field, thanks to our premium quality ingredients. #almonds #foodindustry #confectionery #bakery #foodingredients #foodsafety #biscuits #pastry #pulses #privatelabel #export #sustainability
Fabbricazione di prodotti alimentari e bevande
Modugno (BA), Puglia 3.292 follower
Trasformiamo le mandorle migliori per portare nel mondo il sapore autentico della qualità.
Chi siamo
Commercializziamo mandorle nei cinque continenti e le lavoriamo nei nostri stabilimenti italiani ad alta tecnologia. Siamo punto di riferimento delle principali industrie alimentari e dolciarie. Riusciamo a garantire qualità eccellente su grandi quantitativi ed effettuiamo processi produttivi personalizzati in grado di rispondere, al millimetro, alle variegate richieste dei nostri clienti. I nostri punti di forza: ♦️ Selezioniamo direttamente solo le mandorle migliori, grazie a consolidate relazioni di fiducia con i coltivatori. ♦️ Siamo Factory 4.0 perché applichiamo sistemi di intelligenza digitale nella filiera produttiva e nei controlli di qualità. ♦️ Effettuiamo rigorosi controlli qualitativi ed organolettici nei nostri laboratori interni per una profonda sicurezza alimentare. ♦️ Siamo stati forgiati ai principi della responsabilità di impresa e ci impegniamo attivamente sul fronte della sostenibilità ambientale e del lavoro etico. Forti di un’esperienza nel settore che risale al 1885, a chi ci sceglie offriamo una mandorla buona, dal sapore autentico e sicura, in ogni sua parte. Fare il meglio è la nostra missione.
- Sito Web
Link esterno per ALFRUS Srl
- Settore
- Fabbricazione di prodotti alimentari e bevande
- Dimensioni dell’azienda
- 11-50 dipendenti
- Sede principale
- Modugno (BA), Puglia
- Tipo
- Società privata non quotata
- Data di fondazione
- 1995
- Settori di competenza
- Food Ingredients, Almonds, Mandorle e industria dolciaria
Via degli Oleandri
Modugno (BA), Puglia 70026, IT
Via dell'industria, 16
Coseano (UD), Friuli-Venezia Giulia 33030, IT
Dipendenti presso ALFRUS Srl
Flavio Mania
Quality manager - Food technologist
Giuseppe Cisternino
CEO @ Epsoft srl, Consulente software, System Integrator, ERP selector for your business, #projectmanager
Michele Mastromarino
Responsabile Marketing e Comunicazione
Marco Favaro
Responsabile Manutenzione e Impianti
Blanched almonds: the versatile ingredient that elevates your products. The absence of the skin makes this particular type of almond the perfect choice for applications requiring a uniform appearance, a soft texture and a delicate flavor that blends perfectly with other ingredients, enhancing their notes without overpowering them. Available in multiple formats, each variant is intended for a specific application: - Whole almonds: enhance aesthetics and serve as decoration in pastry recipes; - Sliced almonds: ideal as a thin finishing touch to add crunchiness; - Almond flakes: provide a distinctive visual appeal to every dessert; - Halved almonds: excellent for preparations with a strong taste; - Slivered almonds: perfect for baked goods and ice creams that require more texture; - Chopped almonds: a must-have ingredient for fillings and toppings that balance structure and flavor; - Almond flour: the key ingredient in creams, soft doughs and gluten-free products; Each format is processed with the utmost care to preserve the almond’s organoleptic properties, ensuring a product that combines functionality with added value, without ever sacrificing taste. Quality, versatility, and maximum performance in both industrial and artisanal applications. #almonds #foodindustry #confectionery #bakery #foodingredients #foodsafety #biscuits #pastry #pulses #privatelabel #export #sustainability
Year after year, the evolution of the food industry and transformations in consumption patterns open new doors to innovation. At Alfrus, we work every day to anticipate market trends and support our clients in creating food products aligned with consumer needs. Read our latest article and discover how almonds can transform the future of the food industry. #foodindustry #foodingredients #export #nuts #almonds #confectionery #pulses #privatelabel #madeinitaly
The quality of almonds is significantly affected by the environment throughout the entire production chain. In the almond processing line, packaging represents the final crucial step to preserve their freshness, aroma, and nutritional properties. For this reason, at Alfrus, we personally manufacture, process, and package almonds and semi-processed products, ensuring compliance with the strictest food safety standards while preserving their quality characteristics. Thanks to advanced and automated packaging facilities, along with meticulous quality controls, we ensure that every almond reaches the food companies that have chosen us in total safety. Additionally, we offer diversified packaging solutions for different sizes and formats, depending on the quantity and type of the product required, with customization options. An approach that combines practicality, quality, and care, always with the utmost attention to environmental sustainability and compliance with Italian and international regulations about food safety and packaging. To always offer you the best almonds on the market. #Almonds #madeinitaly #export #confectionery #foodindustry #foodingredients #nuts #pulses #AI #foodsafety #Bakery #PrivateLabel
We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails” - Seneca At ALFRUS Srl, we believe that it is our choices that define our journey and that change always begins with a clear vision and an open mind. May you navigate this new year with the same passion and ambition that drive you to look ahead and build the future you desire. Happy new year, from Alfrus. #foodindustry #foodingredients #almonds #nuts #confectionery #export
Artificial intelligence is deeply transforming every sector of the global economy, and the food industry is no exception. The improvement of production processes, operational efficiency, and quality analysis are some of the most significant advantages for companies and the evolution of the sector. At Alfrus, we discussed this in our latest article. #Almonds #foodindustry #foodingredients #AI #confectionery #export #bakery #pastry #nuts #pulses #agriculture #privatelabel #biscuits
#Christmas invites us to reflect on the importance of what truly matters: the value of closeness, sharing and solidarity. We wish you a Christmas that warms the heart and sparks hope for a better future. Season’s greetings, from ALFRUS Srl. #almonds #nuts #foodindustry #foodingredients #confectionery #bakery #pastry
At Alfrus, every action and every decision is guided by our vision and mission. Since 1885, these two pillars have defined who we are and where we want to go, inspiring us to work with determination in pursuit of new horizons of excellence. From the passion for doing things the right way, with care and respect, we created our company. This commitment is deeply rooted to our land, rich in values, and it is fueled by a will to grow with integrity and professionalism. Since then, we have been transforming one of nature’s most nutritious seeds into high-quality ingredients for Europe’s leading confectionery and food industries, addressing the sector’s specific needs while ensuring safety, transparency and full respect for environmental sustainability. Because we aspire to build a world where people, health and the planet are always at the center. #almonds #nuts #agriculture #foodindustry #confectionery #bakery #foodingredients #foodsafety #biscuits #pastry #pulses #privatelabel #export
For us at ALFRUS Srl, the perfect almond is a matter of precision. A precision we guarantee through a customized processing service, adapting down to the millimeter to meet the specific needs of each client and the product destined for the market. In our latest article, we explored this important aspect of our production. #almonds #nuts #agriculture #foodindustry #confectionery #bakery #foodingredients #foodsafety #biscuits #pastry #pulses
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