Foto di copertina di AMUT


Produzione di macchinari

Novara, Piemonte 5.815 follower

Chi siamo

Amut, established in 1958, is a global leader in custom-engineered plants and equipment. The company operates through Amut Extrusion division and Amut Recycling division. Amut Extrusion division provides extruders and related ancillary down-stream equipment and turn-key lines for the production of foils, sheets, waterproofing membranes, pipes and profiles. Amut Recycling division offers diversified turn-key solutions for waste handling: Material recovery facilties from post-consumer waste Plastic recovery facilities from post-consumer plastics Industrial and household waste sorting and recovery facilities and equipment As well for Plastic recycling with focus on: Washing plants for PET/HDPE/PP bottles and containers, assuring a greater quality of flakes purity and the patented DE-LABELLER, a dry pre-cleaning system removing full-body shrink sleeve labels from PET bottles Washing plants for PE film assuring a greater quality of flakes purity The company’s extrusion and recycling technologies and services finds application in the packaging, automotive, medical and pharmaceuticals industries, building, construction and agriculture sectors, waste handling field and many more.

Produzione di macchinari
Dimensioni dell’azienda
201-500 dipendenti
Sede principale
Novara, Piemonte
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Plastics, Extrusion, Recycling, Packaging, Film, Waste Management, Sorting, Washing e PET Recycling


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