#Interclean #Interclean2024 #EFCI il presidente di ANIP-Confindustria e EFCI - European Cleaning and Facility Services Industry Lorenzo Mattioli interviene all'apertura della fiera Interclean nel panel organizzato da World Federation of Building Service Contractors - WFBSC "un onore portare la voce delle aziende in questa importante manifestazione, il mondo del #cleaning e del #facilityservices è in ottima salute dopo anni di grandi criticità, ora servono regole e policy all'altezza delle sfide che abbbiamo di fronte"
🌍💼 Today at the GES - Global Executive Summit organised by World Federation of Building Service Contractors - WFBSC hosted by Interclean our President Lorenzo Mattioli and Communication & Policy Officer Alessandro Oshiai presented “The Voice of the EU Cleaning Industry and the European Context”. Don’t miss out on two days of executive education, insights, and networking at the largest professional cleaning community in the world, Interclean Amsterdam! #GlobalExecutiveSummit #IntercleanAmsterdam #BuildingServices #FacilityMaintenance #EFCI
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