External evaluations are the only way to understand which interventions really work and why! Evaluation allows to learn from experience, helping in identifying lessons learned and best practices, to constantly improve the impact of projects. Evaluation allows to observe the results of the project from multiple angles, because it considers all categories of beneficiaries and stakeholders involved, deepening their different points of view. More reasons on why evaluations matter? Read here ⬇️ #evaluation #impact #monitoring #cooperation #project #programmes #evaluationstrategies #development #research #arco #researchthatmakesthedifference
ARCO Action Research for CO-development
Servizi di ricerca
Prato, Po 3.254 follower
ARCO è un centro universitario che offre servizi di consulenza, ricerca e formazione sui temi dello sviluppo sostenibile
Chi siamo
ARCO è un centro di ricerca, consulenza e formazione specializzato in sviluppo locale, economia sociale, sviluppo inclusivo, monitoraggio e valutazione, valutazione d'impatto e alimenti sostenibili. Dalla sua fondazione nel 2008, ha lavorato su più di 280 progetti, con 130 clienti diversi in 33 paesi. Il team è composto da economisti, statistici, merceologi e scienziati politici che collaborano con grande interdisciplinarità sia sui progetti di cooperazione allo sviluppo che sull'organizzazione di workshop, seminari, summer school e Master di alta formazione nelle materie dello sviluppo locale, economia sociale, sviluppo inclusivo, economia circolare, valutazione e valutazione di impatto. Il team ARCO ha anche un'intensa attività di ricerca accademica coordinata e supervisionata dal Comitato Scientifico del Centro composto dai docenti del Dipartimento di Scienze per l’Economia e per l’Impresa e il Dipartimento di Statistica dell'Università degli Studi di Firenze. Il centro di Ricerca ARCO inoltre sostiene lo Yunus Social Business Centre University of Florence, il primo Centro italiano accreditato dallo Yunus Centre di Dhaka. Il centro di ricerca si trova presso PIN S.c.r.l. di Prato, Italia.
- Sito Web
Link esterno per ARCO Action Research for CO-development
- Settore
- Servizi di ricerca
- Dimensioni dell’azienda
- 11-50 dipendenti
- Sede principale
- Prato, Po
- Tipo
- Non profit
- Data di fondazione
- 2008
- Settori di competenza
- sustainable food commodities, monitoring and evaluation, inclusive development, local development e impact evaluation
Piazza Ciardi, 25
Prato, Po 59100, IT
Dipendenti presso ARCO Action Research for CO-development
Lapo Tanzj
International business social entrepreneur | Digital distribution, marketing, tech, and supply chain specialist | co-CEO Adiacent International |…
Marco Bellucci
Associate Professor at the University of Florence
Enrico Testi
Director ARCO // Director Yunus Social Business Centre University of Florence
Francesca Di Giuseppe
Researcher @ARCO | Business Consultant @Yunus Social Business Centre University of Florence
Per il progetto #PROVIVES, l'Unità di Economia Sociale e Gestione della Sostenibilità è impegnata nello sviluppo di uno strumento di analisi e rating per le imprese sociali, finalizzato ad evidenziare la sostenibilità dell'attività imprenditoriale e gli impatti che questa ha sul territorio e sulle comunità di riferimento. Lo strumento analizza varie dimensioni delle imprese - tra cui quella sociale, ambientale, di governance - allo scopo di fornire una panoramica complessiva di quanto questa sia sostenibile e strutturata. Grazie a questa analisi multidimensionale si arriva a un punteggio di sintesi facilmente leggibile dall'utente finale. La combinazione di analisi e punteggio potrà infatti essere utile a banche, ONG ed enti locali che vogliono migliorare i propri processi decisionali di erogazione di crediti liberalità e investimenti verso le imprese sociali. Sarà inoltre utile alle stesse imprese per migliorare le proprie azioni e strutturarsi maggiormente sui temi della sostenibilità. Tutti i dettagli nella puntata del podcast SOCIAL, qui ⬇️ Lo strumento di rating sociale è parte del progetto PROVIVES, ed è sviluppato in collaborazione con l'impresa sociale senegalese CAPERsas-officiel. PROVIVES è un progetto un progetto promosso da CISV ETS LVIA Ong Mercato Circolare Fondazione PIN - Polo di Prato dell'Università di Firenze Rete Ong Università degli Studi di Torino CAPER sas Espere Sénégal FAPAL e sostenuto da Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo #imrpesesociali #ratingsociale #investimenti #impattosociale #sostenibilità #governance #cooperazione #ricerca #arco #ricercahefaladifferenza
Social - Cosa sono le imprese sociali?
Mozambique experiences significant challenges to the food security and nutrition of its population. According to the World Food Programme, climate shocks, together with annual lean seasons and economic shocks, continue to regularly threaten the country's food security. The project #ETHAKA operates in both rural and urban settings, with the specific objective of facilitating institutional and community-level adoption of an agricultural model of production and consumption that is sustainable, resilient and meets the nutritional needs of the population. The M&E and Impact Evaluation Unit was involved to carry out the mid-term and final evaluation of the project. To know more, read here⤵ ICEI - Istituto Cooperazione Economica Internazionale | Istituto Oikos | Mani Tese | Universidade Lúrio | Helvetas Moçambique | Direcção Provincial de Agricultura e Pesca de Nampula | Comune di Milano | Serviço Provincial de Ambiente da Zambezia, Faculdade de Engenharia Agronomica e Florestal Universidade Zambeze | Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo | Linda Terenzi #agroecology #resilience #agruculturalmodels #sustainability #foodsecurity #evaluation #climatechange #climateresilience #Mozambique #cooperation #research #arco #researchthatmakesthedifference
Evaluation of the project that promotes food security and climate resilience in Mozambique
For the project #WATDEV, the M&E and Impact Evaluation Unit develop a Monitoring Information System (MIS) to facilitate the collection, storage and analysis of relevant data. The project WATDEV aims to thoroughly understand the dynamics and management of water and agricultural resources on both small and large scales in Egypt, Kenya, Ethiopia and Sudan. This effort focuses on enhancing resilience to climate change through innovative research, modelling, and capacity-building strategies. Researchers designed monitoring tools using a digital platform. To ensure comprehensive monitoring of various aspects of the project, they developed four distinct monitoring tools, each tailored to meet the specific needs of different stakeholders. To know more, read here ⬇️ CIHEAM Bari | ASARECA | Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) - Suomen ympäristökeskus (Syke) | ISRIC - World Soil Information | Water and Land Resource Center (WLRC) | Heliopolis University Education for Sustainable Development Center | University of Khartoum | Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) | Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo | Tommaso Iannelli | Cosimo Fabbri #water #watermanagement #MIS #monitoringinformationsystem #data #evaluation #Egypt #Ethiopia #Sudan #Kenya #Nile #BlueNile #innovation #arco #researchthatmakesthedifference
Monitoring Information System for project WATDEV on water management and sustainable development in East Africa | ARCO
In their latest publication titled "A localised participatory research agenda for social enterprises: an application in Palestine", researchers Enrico Testi, Fadi Kattan, Rabeh Morrar and Vittoria Vineis, propose a methodology to create a Localised Participatory Research Agenda (LPRA) for social enterprises in order to bridge the gap between the information needs of stakeholders in social enterprises ecosystems and academics. This methodology offers the advantage of involving local stakeholders, enabling their participation in the construction of knowledge and serving as a possible tool for researchers to fulfil the Third Mission of the university. The methodology has been applied in Palestine and demonstrates considerable adaptability to different maturity levels of SEEs and varied socio-economic environments. To know more, read here ⬇️ Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo Jerusalem | Social Economy Europe | EMES International Research Network | RIPESS Europe | ENSIE NETWORK | Diesis Network | EUCLID (Euclid University) | REVES - EUROPEAN NETWORK OF CITIES AND REGIONS FOR THE SOCIAL ECONOMY | Oxfam | COSV - Coordinamento delle Organizzazioni per il Servizio Volontario | COSPE Onlus | VIS Volontariato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo | Yunus Social Business Centre Bethlehem | Asamblea de Cooperación por la Paz (ACPP) #socialenterprise #socialeconomy #enablingecosystems #Palestine #participatorymethods #impact #socialimpact #research #arco #researchthatmakesthedifference
A localised participatory research agenda for social enterprises: an application in Palestine | New publication!
The Social Economy and Sustainability Management Unit carried out 2 training to strengthen the knowledge and skills on ESG criteria of the employees of the Federazione Toscana Banche di Credito Cooperativo and its other member institutions: the first focused on sustainability and diversity management, while the second on E and S criteria. Read more here ⬇️ #ESGcriteria #ESG #oraganisationalconsulting #consultancies #skills #socialeconomy #sustainabilitymanagement #research #arco #researchthatmakesthedifference
Training and capacity building on structuring the ESG strategy of Tuscan Cooperative Credit Banks | ARCO
In this month, we focus on the need of organisations, companies and institutions to focus on their internal and external dynamics and the impact they generate. Achieving business objectives no longer depends only on leveraging the best technical expertise but also on a variety of factors such as adopting the right combination of training and growth opportunities for employees; non-financial reporting; sustainability practices and internal processes to remove barriers to inclusion. ARCO has been working closely with impact organisations to help them create value for society as a whole, promoting well-being and sustainability as fundamental pillars of change. To know more, read here ⬇️ #impact #impactorganisation #wellbeing #inclusion #sustainability #growth #socialeconomy #sustaianbilitymanagement #research #arco #researchtahtmakesthedifference
Organisational consulting: strategies to promote sustainability, inclusion and well-being
ARCO Action Research for CO-development su LinkedIn
Kick Off Meeting of the new EU Horizon funded project SWINS - Sustainable Well-Being through Investment in Social Services coordinated by ARCO, Fondazione PIN - Polo di Prato dell'Università di Firenze and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona By reconnecting micro and macro dynamics, SWINS will develop and test a policy-oriented toolbox for the ex-ante assessment of the economic and social returns of investments in social services aimed at rethinking social services as a driver of the EU transition towards a sustainable well being economy. The KoM has been a stimulating opportunity to start focusing together on the scientific and practical challenges ahead. More new to come in the following months! To know more about the project: https://lnkd.in/ewJjQFMd Federico Ciani Irene Fattacciu Arianna Vivoli Marco Adamo Irene Fogliani Caterina Arciprete Dario Menicagli Elisa Betti Mario Biggeri Charlotte Ibanez Zyab Leon Jelena Zarkovic Nemanja Vuksanovic András Gábos István György Tóth Márton Medgyesi Mi Ah Schoyen Rune Halvorsen Anne Skevik Grødem Laura de Bonfils Hannah Grieve Luca Salmasi Gilberto Turati Charles O'Sullivan Delia Ferri Jannis S. Audrey Dessoy #SWINS #socialservices #investment #socialspending #transition #sustainblewellbeing #sustaianbility #wellbeing #HorizonEU #project #research #arco #researchthatmakesthedifference
Companies nowadays face significant challenges in integrating sustainability into their business models. These obstacles may include difficulties in identifying key impact areas, internal resistance to change, and initial implementation costs. Mainstreaming ESG criteria and CSRD compliance require companies to adopt structured processes to incorporate sustainability issues into their operations and strategies. Want to know more? Read here ⬇️ #susatainbilityreporting #sustainabilitymanagement #ESG #strategy #socialeconomy #companies #consultancy #training #research #arco #researchthatmakesthedifference
ESG Sustainability strategy and reporting: new opportunities for companies | ARCO
Sustainability reporting, also known as non-financial or ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) reporting, aims to provide a broader picture of organisations rather than traditional financial reports. By involving stakeholders, defining sustainability goals and adapting to international standards, companies can provide a deeper insight into their activities, values and governance model. In this way, the sustainability report is not only a regulatory obligation, but becomes an opportunity to improve the organisation’s planning, including sustainability, efficiency and effectiveness. Read more here ⬇️ #sustainability #sustainabilityreport #ESG #ESGcriteria #nonfinancialreporting #socialeconomy #sustainabilitymanagement #concultancy #research #training #arco #researchthatmakesthedifference
Sustainability reporting: everything there is to know about it | ARCO