We are the #1 public transport Company in Italy, the historical operator of the network in the Milan metropolitan area. Since 2008 we have been managing the award winning driverless metro network in Copenhagen, one of the cities with the most efficient and reliable public transport infrastructures in the world.
In 2024 we are starting the operations and maintenance of the first automated metro in Thessaloniki, the most modern public project ever built in Greece Hellenic Republic and the only driverless system ever built.
Our know-how covers the entire value chain of transport and mobility services: engineering, operations, maintenance, management of payment and access control systems for low emission zones, on-street parking and car parks, towing services and bike sharing.
Innovation and sustainability are among our most important strategic drivers. In Milan we are fully committed to achieving the Full-Electric Plan, transforming the entire bus fleet of 1,200 vehicles into zero emission electric drives by 2030.
We are an active member of UITP (The International Association of Public Transport), taking part in various thematic Committees to exchange know-how and expertise with PT peers and stakeholders.
As we look ahead to 2025, we are proud of all we accomplished with our Danish colleagues. Take a look at Metro Service A/S' amazing achievements in 2024.
Godt nytår!
I denne video ser Metro Services Managing Director, Claudio Cassarino, tilbage på 2024 og de resultater, vi opnåede i samarbejde med vores samarbejdspartnere i Metroselskabet, ATM - Azienda Trasporti Milanesi og Hitachi Rail.
Han benytter også lejligheden til at se frem mod de kommende 12 måneder og de spændende opgaver, der ligger foran os.
Videoen er produceret af FRIDAY.
Le nostre persone sono essenziali per far funzionare la città. A loro andranno 30 alloggi comunali che ci impegniamo a ristrutturare. L’accordo che abbiamo firmato con il Comune di Milano e la nostra FONDAZIONE ATM nell’ambito del progetto Casa ai lavoratori, prevede la riqualificazione di abitazioni che, per meglio conciliare vita e lavoro, si trovano vicino alle nostre sedi operative. Un progetto importante con un doppio valore: rispondere alle esigenze abitative di chi entra a far parte della nostra Azienda e facilitare gli spostamenti legati al lavoro e alle altrettanto importanti esigenze famigliari. Qui i dettagli 👇
"Milano lungo i binari" racconta la nostra mostra ATM Manifesto su La7 nel programma Artbox. L'esposizione sarà visitabile gratuitamente fino al 12 gennaio all'ADI Design Museum. Laura La Ferla, Direttore Comunicazione ATM, racconta il senso di questo viaggio nella storia dell'Azienda e della città, da sempre intrecciate. Matteo Pirola, curatore dell'esposizione, ci anticipa come è stata realizzata. Una bell'idea per una visita durante le feste.
Qui il servizio completo realizzato da 3D Produzioni:
Continuiamo a investire a Milano con una nuova flotta per la metropolitana: i 21 treni, acquistati con un contratto del valore di 168 milioni di euro, segneranno un miglioramento ulteriore dell'esperienza di viaggio per accessibilità, confort, tecnologia e massima efficienza energetica.
Il potenziamento delle reti metropolitane è una soluzione chiave per ridurre la dipendenza dai mezzi privati e sviluppare i sistemi di mobilità sostenibile.
ATM Manifesto è la prima mostra del nostro Archivio Storico. La Presidente Gioia Ghezzi, il Direttore della Comunicazione Laura La Ferla e il curatore dell'esposizione Matteo Pirola raccontano le immagini, i messaggi e i significati che tutti possono scoprire gratuitamente all'ADI Design Museum fino al 12 gennaio.
The new #Thessaloniki metro, run by our company THEMA, will transform everyday lives and contribute to a sustainable urban environment for future generations.
313,000 daily passengers are expected. With a length of 10 kilometres and 13 stations, the metro connects the Western part of Thessaloniki to the Eastern in 18 minutes with trains every 3, thanks to one of the safest and most innovative #driverless systems in Europe.
By alleviating traffic congestion and reducing the number of cars on the road by 57,000 per day, the metro lowers carbon emissions by 212 tons daily.
Thessaloniki metro is also a culturally relevant infrastructure: #Venizelou station hosts the world’s biggest open #museum within a metro station, with archaeological findings dating back to Roman times.
Discover more on https://lnkd.in/dZiaeXxD
Thessaloniki metro is finally open and THEMA is proud to have been selected as the reference operator for one of the safest and most efficient transit systems in the world.
Our mission is to bring Thessaloniki closer to a modern, sustainable, and connected future and we know that no project of this magnitude can succeed without the dedication, expertise, and passion of its people.
That’s why I want to express my deepest gratitude to all of the over 300 THEMA employees, with whom we joined forces and shared the same dream from the very first minute. Their relentless effort and unwavering commitment have been the driving force behind this achievement.
The long-awaited Thessaloniki metro opened its doors to the public today, marking a historic moment for Greece’s second-largest city. Full story: https://lnkd.in/eGk34JVA
Greece’s first #driverless metro, and the seventh one run by #ATM, was inaugurated in #Thessaloniki, marking a historic milestone for the Group’s international business development. The new metro is a promise for a more sustainable, modern and connected Thessaloniki, propelling the city to the forefront as a vibrant hub of growth, culture and innovation.
The ceremony was attended by the Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Christos Staikouras, the deputy Minister of Infrastructure Nikolaos Tachiaos, European Transport Commissioner for Sustainable Transport and Tourism Apostolos Tzitzikostas, ATM Chairperson Gioia Ghezzi, ATM CEO Arrigo #Giana, THEMA CEO Carlo Bianco and Egis CEO Laurent Germain.
The company , formed by ATM - Azienda Trasporti Milanesi and Egis (51% and 49% respectively), is responsible for the management of the new driverless line.
“The opening of the Thessaloniki metro represents a further step in the #ATMGroup's growth strategy - said our Chairperson Gioia Ghezzi - and confirms the central role of #publictransport in the development of cities. Encouraging social, economic and cultural exchanges, it allows everyone to travel in a shared and #sustainable way”.
“This important milestone further strengthens the Group’s international dimension, bringing to seven the number of driverless metros managed between Milan, Copenhagen and Thessaloniki – said our CEO Arrigo #Giana. This result consolidates our experience, our know-how and our commitment to offering the best public transport service to all citizens”.
Discover more: https://lnkd.in/di2RwTrf
La più giovane delle metropolitane di Milano compie due anni, e cresce. La nuova M4 ha trasportato quasi 20 milioni di passeggeri dall’inaugurazione, e ne trasporta ogni giorno fino a 130 mila. La crescita di passeggeri, +160% dopo l’apertura di tutte le stazioni, conferma il ruolo strategico di una infrastruttura completamente automatica e accessibile, che garantisce spostamenti veloci tra quartieri e un collegamento diretto tra centro e city airport in 12 minuti grazie a un servizio frequente e tecnologicamente avanzato.