🛠️ Elevate your game with our Customized High Torque Reaction Arms crafted from advanced carbon fiber ✨ These precision-engineered products are designed to deliver unparalleled strength and agility while significantly reducing the tool’s weight; they are ideal for automotive, aerospace and many other industries where manual or semimanual assembly is required. Our bespoke High Torque Reaction Arms offer: 🛠️ 𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐪𝐮𝐞 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞: Developed to absorb the torque during the tightening process and, at the same time, to handle demanding tool loads. 🛠️ 𝐔𝐧𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐝 𝐃𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐋𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬: The carbon fiber structure guarantees longevity, resilience in extreme conditions, and offers a lightweight solution. 🛠️ 𝐓𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐒𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬: Customizable to fit your unique operational requirements, particular space conditions and to follow the “User Friendly” concept. Discover how our innovative approach can improve ergonomics, drive performance, reduce maintenance, and push the boundaries of what's possible in modern engineering. Reach out today to learn more about how our carbon fiber reaction arms can be integrated into your next project. 👍 #EngineeringInnovation #CarbonFibre #HighTorque #Customization #UserFriendly #Ergonomics #Automotive #Aerospace #GeneralIndustry
Fabbricazione di macchinari di automazione
Cittadella, PD 883 follower
Advanced ergonomics solutions
Chi siamo
We produce innovative ergonomic solutions for assembly phases in industrial processes that maximize the quality, flexibility, and efficiency of production processes by increasing business competitiveness. Our focus is on the health of the person with ergonomic workstations that improve the working environment. BNP is Ergonomics, Industry 4.0, Total Quality, Lean Production. We have been active in the automation equipment market since 1995 and in recent years we have focused on research and development applied to new technologies and materials. Always on the road to innovation, we have developed specific know-how on "carbon fiber" both at a functional and aesthetic level that allows us to deliver high technology and high usability products that increase production efficiency and comply with the principles of Ergonomics of workstations. We maintain business relationships with the largest assembling tool manufacturers who are also our co-design partners for the development of new products. Strength points: > Innovative products with a wide range of technologies that increase production efficiency and improve ergonomics in the workplace. > BNP-branded, custom-branded and customer's logo products with the inclusion of the support service in the design or co-design. > Experienced staff with know-how on composite materials and efficient customer service.
- Sito Web
Link esterno per BNP SRL
- Settore
- Fabbricazione di macchinari di automazione
- Dimensioni dell’azienda
- 11-50 dipendenti
- Sede principale
- Cittadella, PD
- Tipo
- Società privata non quotata
- Data di fondazione
- 1995
- Settori di competenza
- BNP-branded, custom-branded and customer's logo products - support service in the design or co-design included.
Cittadella, PD 35013, IT
Dipendenti presso BNP SRL
🤝In business, there are various exchange-based relationships, negotiated with precision and expertise, which endure over time, evolve, and are founded on mutual interests and shared goals. As one of the important milestones in our journey, we recently hosted one of our trusted partners: Fluidotronica. During this meeting emerged everything that cannot be contained within a cold definition of collaboration between two parties. It was a meeting filled with constructive content, values sharing, and a reconfirmation of their alignment: a common vision seen as an opportunity for both sides to grow and evolve with trust, commitment, and enthusiasm, in order to create change together. This is our definition of partnership. How would you define it? 🤝 #BusinessPartnership #CommonVision #Trust #Enthusiasm #Evolution #BNPsrl #Fluidotronica #Ergonomics
On behalf of the BNP Team, we send our heartfelt wishes to you and your loved ones for a Merry Christmas, filled with joy, love, and unforgettable moments 🎄🎅🎄. We are incredibly grateful for your continued trust and collaboration throughout this 2024. Looking ahead to 2025, we are excited for the opportunities that lie ahead and can’t wait to share our innovative new projects with you! Wishing you a healthy, happy, and ergonomic year ! ✨ #BNPSRL #MerryChristmas #HappyNewYear #ergonomy
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📌 Dal 6 all' 8 Novembre ci troverete presso la Fiera A&T di Vicenza insieme alle aziende del Gruppo CONSIDI SPA (Società Benefit) e Quindi ! Passate a trovarci presso il Padiglione 7, Stand C01-C02 👋 Siamo pronti ad accompagnarvi in un viaggio esperienziale per scoprire l’evoluzione dell'Industria 5.0 e il valore delle tecnologie immersive nei contesti produttivi reali. Qui il form per un appuntamento dedicato presso lo Stand:📍 https://lnkd.in/dHa2bU5B #Ergonomia #SoluzioniErgoal #ERGOALsrl #Innovazione #ergonomy #manufacturing #innovation #InnovatingFuture #productivity #Efficiency #smartmanufacturing #userfriendly #industria5.0
BNP SRL ha diffuso questo post
BNP are the name in Torque Reaction arms with a solution for every application and every torque requirement. Torque reaction arms can be easily fitted to any assembly line and remove all reaction which prevents injury and illness to operators. So whatever your issue our engineers will take the time to understand and assess your needs, and pair you with the ideal production solution that helps you achieve your objectives.
🌞 Summer Break Notice 🌞 Dear Clients and Partners, BNP srl will be closed for the Summer holidays from August 12th to August 23rd. We wish you all a relaxing summer break and we look forward to reconnecting with you, refreshed and ready, on Monday 26th ! 🏖 Have a great summer break ! The BNP Team #SummerBreak #BNPsrl
BNP SRL ha diffuso questo post
📢 Siamo entusiasti di condividere con voi il grande successo avuto dalla recente edizione dell'Ergonomics Meeting organizzata in collaborazione con DALEC SRL. 🤝 💯 La crescente partecipazione di anno in anno dimostra quanto il benessere dell'operatore stia diventando una priorità per le aziende del nostro territorio. Un ringraziamento speciale va ai nostri speaker, partner e collaboratori per la loro professionalità e dedizione. I loro interventi stimolanti hanno arricchito l'evento e ci hanno dato nuove prospettive su cui riflettere! Siamo inoltre orgogliosi di aver presentato ai partecipanti innovative soluzioni ergonomiche, tra cui i prodotti BNP SRL, allestiti su diverse delle nostre postazioni. Nei prossimi post approfondiremo alcuni dei temi trattati durante l'evento, intanto vi ringraziamo ancora per la vostra partecipazione e non vediamo l'ora di rivedervi ai prossimi eventi dedicati all' #ergonomia ! Restate sintonizzati per tutte le novità #ERGOAL ! Grazie ancora a tutti! 😉 #Dalec #Ergoal #ErgonomicsMeeting #SoluzioniErgoal #Innovazione #ergonomy #manufacturing #innovation #InnovatingFuture #productivity #Efficiency #smartmanufacturing #userfriendly #IndustriaManifatturiera
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La seconda edizione dell’Ergonomics Meeting è stata un grande successo! 🔹 Per noi di Dalec una splendida opportunità di networking e un’occasione di arricchimento tra professionisti del settore. 🔹 I temi affrontati sono stati numerosi e ci piace pensare i nostri ospiti abbiano portato a casa alcuni concetti base. Si è parlato infatti di situation awareness, ergonomia cognitiva, ergonomia fisica, qualità di prodotto, sicurezza in fabbrica per citarne solo alcuni.. 🔹 Vogliamo ringraziare tutti coloro che hanno partecipato, dimostrando interesse ed entusiasmo. In particolare i nostri relatori Francesco Segato di CAREL, Daniele Noviello di Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A., Emanuele Giliani di FILTREC S.p.A., Daniele Traghella di Ducati Motor Holding e i nostri partner Ergoal srl , BNP SRL, Desoutter Tools, SIRA SpA e Dr. Rabe. Ci vediamo alla prossima edizione! #Dalec #Ergoal #ErgonomicsMeeting #Ergonomia #Fabbricafelice #IndustriaManifatturiera
We are excited to annouce that our partner KWG Group sp. z o.o. will be present at the ITM exhibition in Poznań from June 4th to June 7th ! Don't miss the chance to visit them in Hall 4, Booth 27 😄 Some of BNP's latest products will be on display too 👀 ! #ITM2024 #KWG #AssemblyIndustry #ergonomy #Innovation #manufacturing #ProductionLine #Efficiency #smartmanufacturing
Dziś pierwszy dzień targów ITM INDUSTRY EUROPE Nasze stanowisko odwiedził Tommy Christiansen z firmy BÖLL-TEC Automation Jeśli chcesz zobaczyć jak: ✅ Poprawić ergonomię pracy operatora BNP SRL ✅Zautomatyzować proces dokręcania BÖLL-TEC Automation ✅Zoptymalizować i kontrolować proces montażu Arkite - Operator Guidance Platform ✅Kontrolować i monitorować proces skręcania Cleco Production Tools Przyjdź i odwiedź nas na targach Hala 4 stanowisko nr. 27 Przez cały dzień, spotkasz naszych specjalistów i porozmawiasz o procesie montażu przy pysznej kawie! 🔝🔝🔝🔝 Michal Kloniecki Paweł Kłoniecki Łukasz Walczuk Tomasz Grzelak
🎉 Celebrating 29 Years of Innovation at BNP Srl ! 🎉 Today marks a significant milestone in our journey towards revolutionizing workplace safety and enhancing ergonomics and productivity. At the heart of our mission is a steadfast commitment to prioritizing the health and safety of operators. That's why, through our products, we empower workers for optimal performance and long-term health! A heartfelt thanks to the incredible BNP Team for their hard work and dedication. Together, we embark on the next chapter of our journey. Special thanks as well to our clients and partners for believing in our values and trusting BNP. Here's to many more years of success and collaboration! 🥳 Happy 29th Anniversary to the BNP Family! 🥳 #ergonomy #WorkplaceSafety #manufacturing #innovation #BNPSRL #InnovatingFuture #ergonomia #manufacturing #productivity #ProductionLine #Efficiency #smartmanufacturing #userfriendly #companyanniversay