Foto di copertina di BNP SRL


Fabbricazione di macchinari di automazione

Cittadella, PD 883 follower

Advanced ergonomics solutions

Chi siamo

We produce innovative ergonomic solutions for assembly phases in industrial processes that maximize the quality, flexibility, and efficiency of production processes by increasing business competitiveness. Our focus is on the health of the person with ergonomic workstations that improve the working environment. BNP is Ergonomics, Industry 4.0, Total Quality, Lean Production. We have been active in the automation equipment market since 1995 and in recent years we have focused on research and development applied to new technologies and materials. Always on the road to innovation, we have developed specific know-how on "carbon fiber" both at a functional and aesthetic level that allows us to deliver high technology and high usability products that increase production efficiency and comply with the principles of Ergonomics of workstations. We maintain business relationships with the largest assembling tool manufacturers who are also our co-design partners for the development of new products. Strength points: > Innovative products with a wide range of technologies that increase production efficiency and improve ergonomics in the workplace. > BNP-branded, custom-branded and customer's logo products with the inclusion of the support service in the design or co-design. > Experienced staff with know-how on composite materials and efficient customer service.

Fabbricazione di macchinari di automazione
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Cittadella, PD
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
BNP-branded, custom-branded and customer's logo products - support service in the design or co-design included.


Dipendenti presso BNP SRL


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