Collaboration with industrial partners remains an important part of the CommTech@PoliMi (Telecommunication Engineering program at Politecnico di Milano) - this collaboration extends across various research projects and courses offered. This Tuesday, Telecommunication Engineering students who attend the Communication Network Design course (taught by Massimo Tornatore) in collaboration with TEA - Telecommunication Engineering Association visited Nokia Vimercate and got the chance to closely see the various laboratories (Optics lab, Microwave lab, PIC lab, Anechoic chamber, and Innovation Hub) conducting R&D in the corresponding telco area. Thanks to Nokia for hosting, and a special thanks to Michael for putting all this together!
Nokia Vimercate hosts the next generation of talented engineers. Last Tuesday 17th December, we had the pleasure to host at Nokia Vimercate premises a large delegation of young Telecommunications students from Politecnico di Milano, lead by professors Massimo Tornatore and Mëmëdhe Ibrahimi. In this event we presented the main activities done in Nokia Italy with a special focus on Optics (thanks to Marco Bertolini), MicroWave (thanks to Francesco Vodola) and Fiber Sensing (thanks to Matteo Lonardi) carried on in Vimercate. Afterwards, students had the opportunity to have a closer look to R&D activities by visiting of Optics laboratory (thanks to massimo frascolla), Micro-Wave laboratory (thanks to Marco Mazzara), PIC laboratory (thanks to Oscar Jiménez and Christian De Vita), Anechoic chamber (thanks to Beniamino Gorini) and Innovation Hub (thanks to Pier Luigi Novelli and Matteo Lonardi) with Nokia E2E solutions and fiber sensing demo. Personally, I was delighted by this visit because I saw very curious students who were excited to know how our solutions allow the world to act together. They also made a lot of challenging questions to our speakers as well as to laboratories responsible, showing their clear interest to Nokia's Activities. Nevertheless, the lab tour was fascinating also for me, because I had the opportunity to saw directly activities I've only heard about before. These occasions where Nokia Vimercate opens its doors to young engineers are crucial to attract new talents, that can definitively help our company to succeed in future challenges. Finally, I want to thank all colleagues that helped to organize this event, hoping to replicate it next year. With my best wishes for a wonderful 2025. Oleg Karandin Olzhas Shaikenov Vilma Ruggeri Paola Galli Fabio Cagninelli Alessandro Piscopo Gabriele Sabbatino Giacomo Riboldi Luca Kubin TEA - Telecommunication Engineering Association