Fabbricazione di prodotti alimentari e bevande

Collecchio, Parma 5.607 follower

Chi siamo

Campus works in the field of functional ingredients and raw materials for the "savoury food" sector, especially the meat sector. Since the beginning of its own business, Campus has committed itself to the research of new methods for extracting and producing animal proteins and innovative vegetable fibres, and it has created and defined a wide range of highly functional semi-finished products, and it was awarded acknowledgments and certifications at international level. Thanks to the transformed volumes of sales, innovative force, turnover and staff constantly growing, export shares and investments in Research, Development & Application, Campus legitimately ranks today among the most dynamic and important companies of the sector. Campus is a company of the Firmenich Group. Firmenich Firmenich is the world’s largest privately-owned company in the fragrance and flavor business. Founded in Geneva, Switzerland, in 1895, it has created many of the world’s best-known perfumes and flavors that billions of consumers enjoy each day. Its passion for smell and taste is at the heart of its success. It is renowned for its world-class research and creativity, as well as its thought leadership in sustainability and exceptional understanding of consumer trends. To learn more

Fabbricazione di prodotti alimentari e bevande
Dimensioni dell’azienda
51-200 dipendenti
Sede principale
Collecchio, Parma
Società privata non quotata
Settori di competenza
Meat Sector, Complex systems for meat sector, Functional Ingredients for food industry, Taylor-made solutions, Dairy Sector, Finished products and vegetable meat substitutes, New functional animal proteins, Innovative vegetable fibers, High functional TG Systems, Natural Biopreservatives, Customized Salt Replacers, Innovative Chicken Proteins, New Taste Enhancers, Low Collagen Protein Boosters, Meat Replacers, Fish and meat cold binding systems, Milk and soy proteins replacers, Meat industry decicated pilot plant e Exclusive Agreements


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