In occasione del #fuorisalone2024, ci troverete nello store di Samsonite come design partner di joDorsi Giuseppe D’Orsi nell’installazione “Tomorrow is here”, che invita i visitatori a riflettere sul significato del viaggio e del futuro, incoraggiandoli ad accogliere l’incertezza e a vedere il futuro come un vasto territorio da esplorare e plasmare con le proprie aspirazioni. Art direction joDorsi Giuseppe D’Orsi PR & Communication agency KEREN AVNI PR & COMMUNICATION 15-26 aprile 2024 - 10.00 am - 7.00 pm 📍 Samsonite store, via San Pietro All'Orto 11 - Milano #design #milandesignweek #fuorisalone #salonedelmobile #designinspiration #designinstallation #tomorrowishere #mysamsonite
Ready and excited to present you the new project created for Milan Design Week 2024! The lime green Proxis suitcase, starring in the latest Samsonite "Tomorrow Is Here" campaign, is the focal point amidst a futuristic setting, enhanced by the new aluminium variant, Proxis Alu. "Tomorrow Is Here", is the theme for the futuristic installation created by art director joDorsi Giuseppe D’Orsi in the Samsonite store in via San Pietro All'Orto, Italy. The installation explores the vision of innovation, technology and travel from the Proxis collection. Enjoy your journey through design with Proxis! Art direction joDorsi Giuseppe D’Orsi Design partner PR & Communication agency KEREN AVNI PR & COMMUNICATION 15-26 April 2024 - 10.00 am - 7.00 pm - Samsonite store - 📍 via S.Pietro All'Orto 11 - Milan #design #milandesignweek #fuorisalone #salonedelmobile #designinspiration #designinstallation #tomorrowishere #mysamsonite #myjourney