CBS - Advanced Composites

CBS - Advanced Composites

Fabbricazione di parti per autoveicoli

Bienate di Magnago, Milano 1.885 follower

Automotive & Aerospace Industry

Chi siamo

Since 1989, CBS has been working in the world of advanced composites. Thanks to the high level of know-how acquired over the years, CBS is now a benchmark company on the market of composite materials made of carbon fibre. Production includes all those processes behind the creation of advanced composite components and sandwich panels. The strong presence of CBS in all areas where top-quality standards, performance and organization are required, is a clear indication of the company’s skills and expertise. In its two plants it employs the most advanced production technologies with a plant and machine inventory enabling to look after all the stages of the production process, from component design through to Numerical Control and Quality Control operations. Production flexibility is such as to satisfy all specific needs and special requirements in the field of high-tech manufacturing, starting with model development, the prototyping of “one-of-a-kind” items right through to large-volume production.

Fabbricazione di parti per autoveicoli
Dimensioni dell’azienda
51-200 dipendenti
Sede principale
Bienate di Magnago, Milano
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Automotive, Aerospace, Race, Nautical, Design, Space e railway


Dipendenti presso CBS - Advanced Composites


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