CIAS Elettronica S.r.l.

CIAS Elettronica S.r.l.

Sicurezza e investigazioni

MILANO, Milano 3.153 follower

Chi siamo

CIAS is a wholly italian company and has been operating in the security market since 1974, in the field of research, development and manufacture of security equipment and perimeter protection systems. CIAS is nationally and internationally renowned for its microwave, infrared, triple technology barriers as well as fence detection systems. CIAS products are currently used to protect the perimeter of nuclear power plants, high-security prisons, military and civil airports, banks, large factories, but also used for the protection of detached houses, apartments and shopping malls. In almost 50 years of activity, CIAS has become a cornerstone in the security market, distinguishing itself by the continuous technological innovation for the perimeter protection. The commitment of the three founders and of their staff have made CIAS a world leader in the field of security.

Sito Web
Sicurezza e investigazioni
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
MILANO, Milano
Società privata non quotata
Settori di competenza
Perimeter protection, Perimeter Security, Microwave Barriers, Fence Protection system, Dual Doppler Sensors, Active infrared barriers, CCTV integration e Triple technology barriers


Dipendenti presso CIAS Elettronica S.r.l.


  • Celebrating 50 Years of CIAS Excellence in Security✨ As CIAS reaches the significant milestone of 50 years in perimeter security, we’re honored to share words from Alejandro Herrera Krause, CEO & Founder of Tecnologías IP LTDA. - INFOKRAUSE, a long-time partner. In his words: “Congratulations to CIAS on half a century as a benchmark in perimeter security. Over these 50 years, they have not only developed cutting-edge technology that has set standards in the market, but they have also built a solid reputation thanks to the commitment and professionalism of their team. Thank you for innovating and contributing to the advancement of extreme security. Congratulations, CIAS, on these 50 years of excellence!” Alejandro’s words capture the spirit of CIAS's journey—50 years of innovation, trust, and commitment to security at the highest level.  #CIAS50 #Innovation #CIASPartnership

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di CIAS Elettronica S.r.l., immagine

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    2024: un anno di formazione e crescita con i nostri Webinar 🚀 Quest'anno abbiamo organizzato 17 webinar specialistici, coinvolgendo quasi 1000 partecipanti. Col Per.Ind. Andrea Cuttica, abbiamo affrontato temi strategici come Security Perimetrale e Datacenter, approfondendo normative, progettazione e case studies pratici. Grazie alle collaborazioni con FAAC Middle East e AIPSA Associazione Italiana Professionisti Security Aziendale, i nostri contenuti si sono arricchiti di esperienze specialistiche ed internazionali, rafforzando il nostro impegno nel fornire strumenti concreti per la progettazione della #security nelle Infrastrutture Critiche. Un ringraziamento speciale va al nostro media partner per il supporto. Ora guardiamo al 2025: nuovi format e contenuti ancora più verticali sono in arrivo per affrontare le sfide dei settori emergenti. Restate aggiornati per scoprire cosa abbiamo in serbo! #CIASSecuritySolutions #Formazione #Datacenter

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  • 50 Years of CIAS: Legacy of Innovation and Partnership ✨ From the UK to the world, John Bowerman, of GPS Perimeter Systems, reflects on a journey of trust and collaboration: “Since our first collaboration in 1991, it has been an honour and a privilege to work with CIAS, both in the UK and in many other countries worldwide. The innovation and attention to detail in the design and manufacture of the devices and systems has allowed CIAS to become the leading influencer in the extreme security marketplace, which benefits their partners, of which we are one, significantly. I look forward to working with them for many more years to come.” John’s words underscore what makes CIAS exceptional—visionary innovation, meticulous craftsmanship, and partnerships that stand the test of time. As we celebrate 50 years of CIAS, we are proud to acknowledge the extraordinary contributions of those who have been part of this journey. Here’s to many more years of collaboration and success! #CIAS50 #Innovation #CIASPartnership #SecurityExcellence

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  • CIAS Elettronica continua a essere al fianco dei professionisti della sicurezza.🔒 Abbiamo partecipato a un evento formativo organizzato da Albiqual e patrocinato dall'Ordine dei Periti di Bergamo. Con 80 partecipanti abbiamo approfondito: - Protezione Perimetrale - Networking e progettazione di reti cablate e wireless Grazie a Per.Ind. Andrea Cuttica (CIAS), Luciano Paolo Vanzu (D-Link) e al moderatore Fabio Rossi (Ufficio Progetti) per i contributi preziosi. #CIASSecuritySolutions #formazione #networking

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  • 50 Years of CIAS's voices ✨   As part of our celebrations for the 50th anniversary of CIAS, we share a reflection by Giuseppe Carmagnani, CIAS Production Manager, who in his own words tells the essence of his role: “Just as a choir unites many different voices to create harmony, I coordinate people and processes to ensure the highest quality of production”.   Outside of CIAS, Giuseppe is also a choir director, a role that perfectly reflects his dedication to harmony and teamwork. This image truly represents the spirit of CIAS: a team of talents working in synergy to create innovation and quality. It is precisely this harmony that has sustained our growth and success in our first 50 years of history.   #CIAS50 #Innovation #CIASStories

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  • Internship Day 2024: 6 anni di valore condiviso Anche quest'anno, l'Università degli Studi di Bergamo - Dipartimento di Scienze Aziendali - e CIAS Elettronica hanno celebrato una collaborazione che, in 6 anni, ha coinvolto oltre 40 studenti in un percorso di formazione e crescita. Non si tratta solo di un tirocinio: è un’opportunità per mettere in pratica le competenze, conoscere il mondo aziendale e, in molti casi, iniziare un cammino professionale. Grazie alla guida della Prof.ssa Gaia Bassani, l’evento ha mostrato il valore di questo legame tra università e impresa. Gli ex studenti Manuel Gaffurini e Jacopo Steffenoni Grandi – oggi parte del nostro team – hanno presentato le posizioni aperte di Internal Sales e Controllo di gestione, con il supporto del Direttore Commerciale Matteo Capelli. Questo percorso, nel tempo, ha dimostrato la sua capacità di generare valore per tutti: per i giovani talenti, per l'università, per CIAS e per il futuro del settore Security. #CIASSecuritySolutions #Internship #ValorizzazioneTalenti

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  • 50 Years of CIAS✨ As part of our special series for the 50th anniversary of CIAS, we are thrilled to share a reflection from Fermina Martín Corral, General Manager at Sicuralia Systems. In her own words: “50 years is a celebration of the remarkable work achieved by extraordinary people, and I am honored to witness it”. This message resonates deeply with CIAS's values: a team of dedicated individuals working in harmony to drive innovation and quality. It is this very dedication that has fueled our growth and success over the past five decades. #CIAS50 #Innovation #CIASStories

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  • Our CIAS Polish colleagues strike again, taking center stage at an exclusive event dedicated to prison security services! Thanks to our valued local partners, C&C Partners and DTS, we had the privilege of showcasing our cutting-edge systems, like SIOUX PRO2, X3PRO, MICRORAY, and ERMO482 live at the #Więziennictwo Conference and Fair in Lublin, Poland 🇵🇱👏 #CIASSecuritySolutions #SecurePrisons

    Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di CIAS Sp. z o.o., immagine

    110 follower

    W dniach 14-15 listopada 2024 na terenie Targów Lublin odbyła się kolejna edycja Konferencji i Targów #Więziennictwo. W imprezie uczestniczyło prawie 70 wystawców. W pierwszym dniu odbyło się kilkanaście prelekcji, których autorami byli pracownicy służby lub partnerzy technologiczni. W drugim dniu funkcjonariusze przedstawili pokazy specjalnych grup interwencyjnych wspieranych przez psy. W trakcie targów zaprezentowana została kompleksowa oferta od specjalistycznych pojazdów, poprzez elementy umundurowania i uzbrojenia do systemów elektronicznych wspierających pracowników Służby Więziennej. W tej ostatniej kategorii CIAS zaprezentował szeroką gamę swoich produktów zapewniających najwyższe standardy w ochronie perymetrycznej. Wieloletnia współpraca ze Służbą Więzienną po raz kolejny zaowocowała zaproszeniem nas do zaprezentowania naszych produktów na centralnym stoisku Służby. System SIOUX PRO2 oraz bariery mikrofalowe ERMO482 X3PRO i MICRORAY były prezentowane, w połączeniu z produktami naszych partnerów: #DTS oraz #C&CPartners, pokazując jak można dzięki nim zapewnić najwyższą skuteczność wykrywania prób przekraczania stref chronionych na terenie zakładów penitencjarnych. Dwa dni były wypełnione merytorycznymi rozmowami z wieloma funkcjonariuszami reprezentującymi swoje jednostki macierzyste, w trakcie których zaprezentowane zostały rozwiązania techniczne, bazujące na naszych produktach, dostosowane do najnowszych wytycznych Służby w zakresie ochrony obwodowej obiektów im podległych.

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  • Excited to be part of the excellence showcased at the Saudi Airport Exhibition! Thanks to Air Tech Italy for the recognition and proud to stand alongside such remarkable companies🚀 #Innovation #CIASSecuritySolutions

    Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di Air Tech Italy, immagine

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    During the Saudi Airport Exhibition several of our Members got an Airport Excellence award in the categories Airport Security and Baggage Handling. Find out why Leonardo won the Baggage Handling Award, why ForteSecurGroup won the Airport Security award and both Reco 3.26 and CIAS Elettronica S.r.l. were the runners up in the same category. Discover our winners here: and see you at next year's edition! #italianexcellence #madeinitaly #airports #security #baggagehandling

    Saudi Airport Excellence Awards and the winners are... - Air Tech Italy

    Saudi Airport Excellence Awards and the winners are... - Air Tech Italy

  • 28 novembre 📅 Non perdere l'occasione di acquisire conoscenze specifiche che possono fare la differenza nella tua professione e nella Security Perimetrale del tuo Datacenter. Prenota ora il tuo posto per questa sessione di novembre:

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