Foto di copertina di CIMA Research Foundation
CIMA Research Foundation

CIMA Research Foundation

Servizi di ricerca

Savona, SV 10.816 follower

International Centre for Environmental Monitoring #CivilProtection #DisasterRiskReduction and #Biodiversity

Chi siamo

CIMA Research Foundation - Centro Internazionale in Monitoraggio Ambientale (CIMA) - is a private non-profit research organisation which operates under Italian National Civil Protection Department, the University of Genova and the Local Governments of Liguria and Savona. CIMA Research Foundation mission is to advance science and engineering in environmentally related fields, focusing on disaster risk reduction, civil protection and the preservation of terrestrial and water-related ecosystems in line with the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals. This aim is accomplished through scientific research, technology transfer and high level training services.

Servizi di ricerca
Dimensioni dell’azienda
51-200 dipendenti
Sede principale
Savona, SV
Non profit
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Civil Protection, Disaster Risk Reduction e Biodiversity


Dipendenti presso CIMA Research Foundation


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