DILIT International House Rome

DILIT International House Rome

Programmi di amministrazione scolastica

Rome, RM 1.315 follower

Dilit International House is based in Rome and provides Italian language courses for foreigners since 1974.

Chi siamo

Established in 1974, Dilit International House is an Italian Language School officially authorised by the Italian Ministry of Education. It is part of International House, a well-established world-wide organisation of 120 schools. The quality of the teaching and services provided by the school is guaranteed by its membership of EAQUALS (European Association for Quality Language Services) and ASILS (Associazione Scuole d'Italiano come Lingua Seconda). The school is also a Teacher Training Centre and an Examination Centre for the CELI Examinations of Perugia University and for the CILS Examinations of Siena University.

Sito Web
Programmi di amministrazione scolastica
Dimensioni dell’azienda
1 dipendente
Sede principale
Rome, RM
Società quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Italian Language Courses, Teacher Training Courses, Italian Culture Courses e Exam Preparation Courses


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