Don't miss this opportuntiy to advance your company's skills ⬇️
💡 Interested in exploring Additive Manufacturing and Green Technologies through real-world use cases and best practices? Join the Project IDEALIST Expert-to-Expert webinars to learn, connect, and exchange ideas! 🔬 The Expert-to-expert webinar on Additive Manufacturing: Explore the potential, challenges, and use cases of additive manufacturing, focusing on the green transition. 📅 28 January, 11:00-12:00 🎯 Register by 27 January: 🍃 The Expert-to-expert webinar on Carbon Neutral and Circular Manufacturing: Gain insights into innovative approaches and technologies for accelerating the transition to carbon-neutral and circular manufacturing. 📅 31 January, 11:00-12:00 🎯 Register by 30 January: 🙌 Join IDEALIST on AGORA Foster a resilient, innovative network of stakeholders. Learn more and join us here: 💡 These expert-to-expert webinars are part of the Project IDEALIST, funded by the EU, supporting SMEs in energy-intensive industries, aerospace, defense, and transport to build resilience. CIMES COMET – Cluster della Metalmeccanica del FVG DITECFER Distretto per le Tecnologie Ferroviarie, l'Alta Velocità e la Sicurezza delle Reti Association of Industrial Automation of Ukraine / APPAU ALBATROS Gie Geokompetenzzentrum Freiberg e.V. 4CF The Futures Literacy Company POLYMERIS Clúster de Automoción y Movilidad de Aragón Chemie-Cluster Bayern GmbH Eurecat - Technology Centre Śląski Klaster Lotniczy CZECH AEROSPACE Cluster Cristina Dans Iglesias, Panagiota TSAROUCHI